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Thread: Outfit critique

  1. #41
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    Re: Outfit critique

    The wedding was a BLAST!!!!! and i got many complements on my attire!! the photographer to a few of me when i 1st got there and the bride loved my attire. the groom gave me props and i even turned a bridesmaids eye or two. It was a great celebration of there love. I am so glad i wore the outfit i did. Thank you everyone for you advice dI will post pic when i get them from the bride after the honeymoon... it may take a while

  2. #42
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post

    Dude, you're stressing about a TIE. A tie.....get it? A tie. And socks.


    IMHO...this is just me.....this is the kind of obsessing over details that is kind of pointless.


    Relax, man.
    Alan, I love that you don't care to discuss the finer points of Highland attire and reserve your attention for minutiae to kilt-making.

    Nonetheless, I don't think that Kilted Rogue indicated he was either stressed or obsessed over the details of his outfit. This is a kilt forum; he was just making conversation about kilts and related accoutrements by asking for advice. In the "Kilt Advice" section of the forum. Nothing strange there.
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  3. #43
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Ask a friend to shoot the pic, or if your camera has a timer or remote release use a tripod or prop it on something.

    I agree the top part seems "a lot" - try it without the vest. You're braver than me to put the windowpane print shirt with a busy tartan. Good on you if you like it - thinking more a solid color to let the tartan shine.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  4. #44
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Rogue View Post
    The horse hair is a replica of the 79th NY state Militia circa 1863.
    I myself would not hesitate to wear the hair sporran with a tweed jacket; thus was the style from the 1840s up through the early decades of the 20th century.

    Just to clarify, that hair sporran you have there is the sporran worn by the 79th NYSM from its inception in 1858 until the unit was mobilsed for war service in 1861. At that time the regiment's Full Dress was put aside for the duration of the war.

    So, no kilts or sporrans were worn from 1861-1865.

    When the regiment's Full Dress was renewed after the war, it was with a different pattern of sporran (and a different pattern of everything else as well).

    I love that military weight Cameron of Erracht kilt there! I presume it's boxpleated to the yellow line, the kilt of the Cameron Highlanders (of Scotland). I've always wanted a kilt like that.

    (BTW the kilts worn by the 79th NYSM were completely different.)

  5. #45
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    Nonetheless, I don't think that Kilted Rogue indicated he was either stressed or obsessed over the details of his outfit. This is a kilt forum; he was just making conversation about kilts and related accoutrements by asking for advice. In the "Kilt Advice" section of the forum. Nothing strange there.
    I somehow guess that Senor H was likely going for effect, with his post.

    And Billy, you're looking sharp. Well done, sir!

  6. #46
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    Alan, I love that you don't care to discuss the finer points of Highland attire and reserve your attention for minutiae to kilt-making.

    Nonetheless, I don't think that Kilted Rogue indicated he was either stressed or obsessed over the details of his outfit. This is a kilt forum; he was just making conversation about kilts and related accoutrements by asking for advice. In the "Kilt Advice" section of the forum. Nothing strange there.
    Ryan Ross has figured me out. I write a lot more "dramatic" or "intense" that I actually feel about most things. I probably came off as thumping the table and foaming at the mouth, there. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Also, I suppose that some guys just plain enjoy holding up ties and whatnot in the mirror and comparing colors and taking a lot of time to pick out just the perfect ensemble for every occasion. That's so foreign to my way of thinking that I have a hard time grokking it.

    I put on clothes and get on with it. I think that puts me in the minority, here.

    Actually most of the kilts I make are a bit on the slap-dash side. I DO have the patience to settle down, slog through something and do everything just perfectly, but once I've done that a couple of times...been there, done that. To paraphrase the unique and fascinating George Buehler..."It's a kilt, not a shrine".

  7. #47
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Cameron of erracht with green hose, shirt goes well with stripeand the rabbit sporran is what i would wearm very smart , good job on jacket

  8. #48
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    Thumbs up Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Rogue View Post
    The final outfit. I am on my way. May. N ot wear my bonnet but for now it's keeping my hair in place
    Excellent !


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  9. #49
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Riverkilt: that is the first time i have put a shirt like that with one my kilts. I think that without a a waistcoat that it could have been to much, but it all worked out.

  10. #50
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Rogue View Post
    Riverkilt: that is the first time i have put a shirt like that with one my kilts. I think that without a a waistcoat that it could have been to much, but it all worked out.
    Surprisingly I think the yellow and red worked quite well. It picked up on colours in the tartan

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