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  1. #41
    Join Date
    27th December 11
    Tucson, Arizona
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    Re: First Kilt Advice

    I am terribly sorry if I have offended you. I did not mean to sound at all patronizing. I did mean to echo Jock's sentiment only by way of encouragement and meant you no offense. Humble regards.
    Oh no! I was being cheeky there! It was all meant in good jest. It was I that had worried about coming off too snippy earlier and was making light of myself.

    I was serious about the expert part though. Some may be more expert than others like Jock Scott, but all your more experienced input has been invaluable to me.

    Yes, I was wondering if it was a bit high, as I've gotten in that habit due to its length (it's right at the rib, rather than hip bone), and thus to err towards 24". I'm also rather lanky. I've been doing a lot of back and forth between pictures on my desktop, while going through the picture section here and elsewhere. I've been noticing a lot of variation which is confusing. I'm kind of liking where it is there.

    I also decided, since I'm in a pipe band, to recheck how Simon Fraser wears theirs, and it's pretty low. Now, I don't plan on wearing this for playing (though the occasion may arise), and am not sure I'd go that low, but I wonder if there's different standards as you mention (as I know pipe bands have some sartorial peculiarities). Seeing as some cues are taken from military style it could be that the kilt is higher, or it could just be my shape.

    In any case,

    Happy New Year back!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
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    Re: First Kilt Advice

    Unless you have your tailor to hand every time you don the kilt your kilt will rarely fit you exactly. My present(bespoke) kilt made in the mid 1990's has probably fitted me as it should, oooo I don't know, but say 50% of the time, so body shape is a major consideration, but gravity is ALWAYS there regardless! So after marching up and down with the band your kilt will almost certainly have started to journey south, it is just something you have to live with. However there is no harm in nipping behind a tree or something and adjusting your attire when you get the chance. So using pictures of pipe bands for kilt height examples can be a little misleading.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 1st January 12 at 03:59 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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