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  1. #41
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    I wouldn't expect many ... who are over 30 to care for this style very much.
    Whoa there. Creepers were in style in certain circles in the late 80s and early 90s when I was playing in touring punk rock bands.

    Anyway, if you'd wear them with anything else, why not wear them with a kilt?
    Kenneth Mansfield
    My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)

  2. #42
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
    I associated Creepers with the Emo/Goth crowd of the 80's-90's, and the ones with print with the Rocker types (Greasers, Rockabilly, etc).

    I could never get into Morressey, sooo....

    And even though I might enjoy some Rockabilly from time to time, as well as some Rev., I just couldn't get into the style of Rockabilly. In fact, I had a Rocker girlfriend at one time that kept buying me garage shirts and wallets with chains, and I just couldn't bring myself to wear them.

    Not my style, but if it's yours... go for it.
    Morrissey for the WIN! But then again, I'm still a MOZ fan.

    I second your assesment. I like the look, though. I'd think you'd style Creepers with a kilt kind of like how you would Doc's. MAybe with athletic socks and showin' some ink, if you've got it. Scruffy Wallace does a good job with the rock kilted look.

    And what's this 30 and over being unhip? I'm 37 and "I'm down with the kids" (see, that's a quote from "Twilight"... )
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  3. #43
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Talk about product-placement. Nice going, Rocky.
    Kenneth Mansfield
    My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)

  4. #44
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    If any of the rabble keep up with mainstream fashion trends, you may know that right now creepers (sometimes called brothel creepers) are HOT...
    The more I see new mainstream fashion trends for men the more I want to run screaming back inside the house to my Library for the sanity of a good tweed jacket, a pipe, and a G&T. Ah but that is the fuddy duddy in me speaking...

    Let's try this looking at them with a more modern set of eyes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck View Post
    I wouldn't wear them with any of my contemporary kilts. Not a good match for the utility style kilt in my opinion...
    I think our boy Robert is on the money with this comment. I'm picturing my friends and self and how we wear our Utilikilts, R Kilts, X Kilts, etc. there is a certain functionality to the kilts that we reflect in our choice of accessories. Simple sturdy belts, good quality hiking/work boots, plain socks, a rugged sweater, funtional beret or cap. It is sort of a "no frills" utilitarian kind of look. These shoes don't have that same quality. I could see them being worn for a photo shoot for Howie's 21st Century kilts. But there is a different mindset going on there, one of high fashion. So with those modern kilts I could see them working, however not with a Utilikilt or the like for me*.

    But to each their own. For instance I bet if Raphael was wearing them they would work, that guy makes anything somehow work


    Last edited by Panache; 13th January 12 at 03:27 PM.
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  5. #45
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Scruffy Wallace does a good job with the rock kilted look.
    I'll be seeing him in Tampa, with Frank Turner (my favorite singer/songwriter to date) opening. And yes, I'll probably be kilted (depending on the weather).
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
    I'll be seeing him in Tampa, with Frank Turner (my favorite singer/songwriter to date) opening. And yes, I'll probably be kilted (depending on the weather).
    Don't let the weather stop you...
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    As one who 'came into his own' in the 80's and a former Punk drummer---yeah, I'd still wear those with a ModKilt, but only for a more 'dressy' look
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I think our boy Robert is on the money with this comment. I'm picturing my friends and self and how we wear our Utilikilts, R Kilts, X Kilts, etc

    That is exactly the heart of my point. It's an image. A comfortable image of what we conceive to be appropriate. Lately, in my own life I've been trying to challenge such ideas as much as I can.

    That's not to say that I'm going to start dressing hideously just because it happens to be non sequitur, but I also think that whether it's a traditional kilt OR modern one (such as a UK), we get into a groove of what's aesthetically pleasing to us, and once we've established that standard, rarely step beyond those boundaries.

    The question really is: WHY does something look right to us, or conversely, wrong? Is it because we've never seen it worn, (or worn in a certain way) or is it because it somehow clashes either in form, colour, or arrangement with the other elements of our outfit? If it's the latter, then so be it. But if it's the former, then perhaps it's a notion that deserves to be challenged.

    I have an idea that is directly related to this that I would like to put up as a separate thread in the near future, but I may wait a bit. But let's just say that I do find myself in a bit of a whirlwind of traditional and modern styles and having entertained much of the traditional lately, I think I'm eager to explore a bit more of the modern.

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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    "I have an idea that is directly related to this that I would like to put up as a separate thread in the near future, but I may wait a bit. But let's just say that I do find myself in a bit of a whirlwind of traditional and modern styles and having entertained much of the traditional lately, I think I'm eager to explore a bit more of the modern."


    Great minds think alike (or fools flock together). I have been thinking of creating a thread called something like "The New Traditionalists" where people could take a traditional kilt in decidedly modern ways. Give me a week (to prepare for, enjoy, and recover from) the Nor Cal Rabble Burn's Night Supper and I will put it up ... (if you don't first!)


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  10. #50
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    Re: Modern kilt + creepers. Yay or Nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I have been thinking of creating a thread called something like "The New Traditionalists" where people could take a traditional kilt in decidedly modern ways. Give me a week (to prepare for, enjoy, and recover from) the Nor Cal Rabble Burn's Night Supper and I will put it up ... (if you don't first!)
    Please do, Jamie... As it will not interfere with my own project. My thoughts are certainly in a similar direction to what you are proposing, but still (yet) a bit different.


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