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  1. #41
    Mickey is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Thanks! My wife made the belt and did the tooling, and we chose a buckle specifically for its subdued quality and lack of 'rectangularness'. I had posted about it a couple of years ago. One little detail that makes it special is the tiny thistle she tooled into the back:

    As for the beard, yeah, I've been letting it grow long since late last year. Originally I was going to just do it as a 'winter beard' and see what happened. But my wife likes it long, so I'm going to let it keep growing and see what happens. I'm a little taken aback by the amount of grey that's coming in. You can see a big patch of grey in one of my photos in the original post, back at the corner of my jaw. Oh well, that's life.

    It's getting long enough now that when the wind blows, it feels really odd! Like a small child tugging on it.
    The lady does fine work! Very impressive and the thistle is a great touch.

    I started to re-grow mine, but the grey is coming in way too splotchy. What was once nearly all auburn is now various shades of browns and greys. Way too calico for me. Hoping to see how well yours grows up!

  2. #42
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    Wow oh Wow.

    That is art, beyond craft.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    I do wish Dalgleish would keep heavyweight reproduction colours in stock.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I do wish Dalgleish would keep heavyweight reproduction colours in stock.
    Well, they do now. That was what I mentioned in my first post. They are starting to stock reproduction clan tartans - double width - as part of their standard fare. I imagine this will take some time to weave a base inventory for all the different ones (and they may only be running these tartans as they are ordered). But from what I'm told, the reproduction tartans are very popularly requested as custom weaves, so their plan is to start running them in double-width and keep them as stock tartans.

    Maybe one of our industry representatives could elaborate further if I have the details wrong.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Well, they do now. That was what I mentioned in my first post. They are starting to stock reproduction clan tartans - double width - as part of their standard fare. I imagine this will take some time to weave a base inventory for all the different ones (and they may only be running these tartans as they are ordered). But from what I'm told, the reproduction tartans are very popularly requested as custom weaves, so their plan is to start running them in double-width and keep them as stock tartans.

    Maybe one of our industry representatives could elaborate further if I have the details wrong.
    I must have been too overcome by the great photos to read closely enough. That's such good news. I'd love some Lord of the Isles Red Reproduction myself.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Well, they do now. That was what I mentioned in my first post. They are starting to stock reproduction clan tartans - double width - as part of their standard fare. I imagine this will take some time to weave a base inventory for all the different ones (and they may only be running these tartans as they are ordered). But from what I'm told, the reproduction tartans are very popularly requested as custom weaves, so their plan is to start running them in double-width and keep them as stock tartans.
    This was my understanding too, Tobus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Maybe one of our industry representatives could elaborate further if I have the details wrong.
    Their contribution would be most welcome!

  7. #47
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    Very smart Tobus The beards coming along too

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