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  1. #41
    Join Date
    8th February 04
    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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    We'll agree to disagree. If I am going to a black tie affair, I'll put some effort into my outfit to make sure it's 100% (or as close to it as I can get) 'correct' and well fitted, whether it's highland wear or a tux.

    I'm not saying he definitely wore the black shirt as camouflage. I was pointing out that he MAY have done so b/c his jacket sleeves were too short (whether in a kilt or not). If you want to say that black shirts are in b/c of Jamie Fox's photo, then I believe you... I don't know much about fashion and what shirt color is good or bad for suits / tuxedos this season. If black shirts ARE in, then he had no excuse for the jacket sleeves to be too short other than being ill prepared. I'm not trying to be a member of the 'kilt / fashion police'. I'm just pointing out a glaring thing (IMHO) about his sleeves. The rest of his outfit, (while the sporran isn't my personal taste) for the most part looks fine!

    I know he's most likely not a member of the Caledonian Club. However, he "played one on TV" last night.
    Last edited by RockyR; 25th February 13 at 05:56 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Rocky, he didn't go to your shop to ask how it should be worn, I'm sure the concept of "wearing it properly" never occurred to him. If he did go to a shop for advice, it will have been to some neuveaux fashionista consultant who probably fussed over him and came up with what you see, thinking it was "edgy". Or who knows what.

    The Oscars are all about ridiculous extravagance and celebration of the movie industry. It's another one of a million chances for that industries glitteratti to go out and party and show off and get their pictures taken.

    "Traditional kilt directives" kind of don't amount to a hill of beans, here. They're irrelevant. Iconsequential. Nonexistant. Proceed at your own risk.

    The guy wore a kilt! YAY! That's about as much as we can expect to get out of this.
    Yes and no... I don't think 95% of the guys wearing tuxedos tried to be 'edgy' or 'extravagant' or whatever... they were just wearing tuxedos that Hugo Boss / Armani / whoever / designed.

    When he decided to wear a kilt, the decision IN AND OF ITSELF is extravagant. Since you're already "that guy" in this scenario, why not wear it properly? Ah well... I guess I'll have to go to the next Oscars and show 'em how it's done. Alan, you want to be my ***? (EVEN BIGGER )
    Last edited by RockyR; 25th February 13 at 06:00 PM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Yes, but how did he not see the jacket sleeves are way too short? All I can think is that he ran out of time and had to find SOMETHING to fit. Since the sleeves were too short, he wore a black shirt to help 'camouflage' the fact. If that's the case, then he did the best he could to cover it up on short notice. ...
    I strongly suspect that if we were in his not-quite-perfect shoes, and in that close proximity to, and with our arm around, that much pulchritude, we would not only not be thinking about the length of our sleeves, but would be exasperatingly wondering why we are even wearing those annoying duds.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  4. #44
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    I think his mistake is that he wound up somewhere in sartorial limbo between "traditional" and "fashion forward". Had he clearly picked one side of the fence or the other, I doubt we'd be having this discussion.

  5. #45
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    If you look closely at the sleeve it appears to be a proper length when looking at the bottom hem of the jacket. To me the sleeve of the shirt is a little too long but it also appears as though he wanted to show off the cufflinks he is wearing. I am with Alan on this all the way. I would love to look that good if I were going to a formal event. The sporran is a close match in color to the blue in the kilt. And we need to remember that this is Hollywood at its most flamboyant. To me he fits in perfectly and looks smart.
    proud U.S. Navy vet

    Creag ab Sgairbh

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Seriously....we are ragging on this guy for having his second assistant, who doesn't know jack about kilts, supply him with a jacket that's an inch too short in the sleeves. ... Look, here's Cher at the Oscars. Gosh, I think her sleeves are a bit too long.

    ... This is HOLLYWOOD. He's a FILM DIRECTOR, not someone from the Caledonian Club.
    Hear! Hear! ...... See! See!

    And Cher's loin cloth is dragging the carpet, and she's showing too much inny.

    I daren't comment on any of your other pictures, because I would be unceremoniously and rightly ejected from the forum.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  7. #47
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    Im reminded by the phrase; "More catholic than the pope".

    Tte first thing is that theyre rich, they can wear anything they like & maybe most important, its only clothes, does it really matter that much

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    I for one think he looked awesome! I love the black on black look, the sporran... and especially the belt buckle. I have that same buckle and wear it almost exclusively. So really- kudos to him for wearing that! He looked awesome- very formal, and very modern! And really, I have to say that I like that concept (contemporary and formal combined) because that's what I personally go for.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  9. #49
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    My apologies, I think I came off as a bit snappish. There's no need for that, so I'm shushing up for a bit.

  10. #50
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    Well, you're all right, but I can be disappointed if I am - we each have a right to our feelings. Frankly I was disappointed at a lot of the idiot outfits, but I don't care about most of them. I care about kilts.

    If you don't care about anything, you can't be offended or disappointed. Those are the risks of caring.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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