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  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calgacus View Post

    I'm not a fan of button-down collars.

    I would fasten the bottom button on your waistcoat.
    Hear hear on both accounts.

    I will say that shirts appropriate to day/outdoor kiltwearing here, such as the American shirts analogous to British Tattersall shirts, nearly always have buttondown collars, and/or short sleeves, and/or have something off about the pattern. I've scoured entire three-storey shopping malls and not found a single check shirt that didn't have one or more of these issues. I end up buying shirts from Britain.

    I have found one or two good shirts over the years here, but it's scarce to find just what I'm looking for, like this

    In contrast, here's what I see over and over in our local shops

    Last edited by OC Richard; 21st January 15 at 08:00 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  2. #42
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    Hopper250, Thanks for the advice, I will have to give that a shot.

    Tarheel, The waistcoat is custom, I made it myself. There are numerous problems with it which I shall fix with the next one.

    :ootd: Karl
    "For we fight not for glory nor for riches nor for honour, but only and alone for freedom, which no good man surrenders but with his life".
    the Declaration of Arbroath, 1320
    Freedom is the Liberty to do what is Right.

  3. #43
    Cyd is offline Membership Revoked at member request.
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    Ditto all the other comments. You look damn good! You might however consider getting your kilt about an inch longer (how's that for nitpicking!) You are showing your entire knee, which some would consider an error. Try just covering the top of your knee, or mid knee, but don't cover the entire knee!

    That is about as critical as I can get. You really do have a great look there!

  4. #44
    Cyd is offline Membership Revoked at member request.
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    I think what is making the sporran look small is the large flap (or maybe the sporran is a little short). The width looks fine. I bet if you pulled the flap up a bit and reshaped it slightly it would look better to everyone.

  5. #45
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    What is the issue with button down collars? I know I often see them unbuttoned and it then it does look undone, but in general what is the objection to them in principal? thanks

  6. #46
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    Considering that he was in the Commandos rather than a highland regiment with issue sporrans, I could see choosing a smaller sporran as battle dress. It seems that might give better mobility and less likely to get tangled up in gear or brush.

    I'm curious and not intending ti hijack the thread, but when would a piper put the pipes down and grab his rifle? Were the pipes on a sling?

    I think it would be a nice thread if you ever have the time to do an OP about the mechanics and roles of pipers in battle. Were pipes used similar to bugle calls were in used the US Army to send commands.
    "Life is one great, big, kilt friendly event. Put it on, go forth, be awesome." - ratspike

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