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  1. #511
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    I apologize folks, but they made me wear those pants with the kilt. Something about the hem line being indecent if I went regimental.

    Anyway glad you liked my picture.

    Best regards,

    The ever-modest-Jake
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  2. #512
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms View Post
    I apologize folks, but they made me wear those pants with the kilt. Something about the hem line being indecent if I went regimental.

    Anyway glad you liked my picture.

    Best regards,

    The ever-modest-Jake

    Yes, the lady and the dress are extremely elegant. I am afraid I am not qualified to comment on the chap, other than he spoils the picture.

  3. #513
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Yes, the lady and the dress are extremely elegant. I am afraid I am not qualified to comment on the chap, other than he spoils the picture.
    PhotoShop is like a modern day King Solomon, Jock. Here's your half.

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  4. #514
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    PhotoShop is like a modern day King Solomon, Jock. Here's your half.
    And Rex, pray tell where did the other part go?


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  5. #515
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    Although the full tartan dress looks very elegant in some colors, others just make you kind of think "Damn that's a lot of tartan." On the whole though, I feel like women are a little luckier in that they don't seem to have as man "rules" as the men. The can pull together something they like, and already own, toss a fly plaid and brooch on and go out for the evening. That's probably a good thing as most women probably wouldn't want to buy that full tartan wonder dress only to realize there's no way people won't recognize it the second time around. That's where the men get lucky. It's perfectly acceptable to where that same old argyle or charlie and family kilt to everything.
    Finally some pictures:
    Casual and timeless, it can go over anything.

    I know this one is not a tartan, but I think the general idea could be used. (Side Note: Barb Tewksbury and Matt Newsome can line up even the most complex tartan into a perfect sett in the back, how can this designer not even get the lines to match up.)

    Finally, something formal that harkens back to my point about certain colors looking elegant and other colors screaming a little too loud.

    I think this one is elegant by the way, imagine say Douglas Gray, Gordon Modern, or Isle of Skye.

  6. #516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    PhotoShop is like a modern day King Solomon, Jock. Here's your half.

    Thank you Rex, that is much better! My word, the lady wears that outfit well!

  7. #517
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    Here is a linky to a little video showcasing a gal getting outfitted at Slanj.

    Last edited by TNKiltedWolf; 5th May 09 at 10:48 AM. Reason: replaced bad link

  8. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungMan View Post

    I know this one is not a tartan, but I think the general idea could be used. (Side Note: Barb Tewksbury and Matt Newsome can line up even the most complex tartan into a perfect sett in the back, how can this designer not even get the lines to match up.)

    yes, that is a very poorly made skirt, but I love the idea. I love a good pencil skirt with pleats in the back!

  9. #519
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    Quote Originally Posted by TNKiltedWolf View Post
    Here is a linky to a little video showcasing a gal getting outfitted at Slanj.

    I saw that video on minis for women, so I googled 'tartan mini'-

    kilt makers can line up even the most complex tartan into a perfect sett in the back, how can this designer not even get the lines to match up
    In defense, kilt makers are working with one piece of cloth and it's not on the bias. The person that made this cut it, at least twice it looks like, in order to put it on the bias perhaps. It could be a student project of some sort. Not taking away from kilt makers, I'm just saying we don't know the origin of that skirt.

    Ali's comment about a pencil skirt got me thinking about a pinafore-this is cute

    Found this on the same website

    That website is golden....tweed dress

    I like this, also

    Hmm, not sure about this, but it's interesting.
    Last edited by wvpiper; 5th May 09 at 12:58 PM.

  10. #520
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    Seen at the Livermore Highland Games....OK, some of these may not be everybody's cup of tea, but here you go...

    Shadylass! So this gal is sort of "period" and sort of "not". She's certainly making us aware of her "assets", which may not be to everybody's liking, but then she's having fun, and she's not hurting anybody and honestly, I think she looks great. Now, this might not be appropriate for the office, eh?

    When it's this hot, everybody needs a parasol! The woman in the white dress is part of one of our local SCD groups, and illustrates what her Association wears at the Games. Sure, It's an SCD outfit, but I know two or three women who wear basically just this, at the Games.

    I dearly love some of the to-die-for dresses that the women have made for the period re-enactments Here's one of the two or three that caught my eye and made me drool.

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