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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanboy View Post
    Your talking bo****ks
    First, I'll ask nicely that you don't use full sweary words on the forum. It's a family place.
    No offence, but just to let you know.

    Second, he is actually right. Look into the history of kilt wearing.
    The kilt was a highland item of clothing. No one below the Trossaches used to wear them.
    Indeed, you can even find journal notes from Glaswegians in the 1700's mentioning the outlandish wearing of kilts by the highland men.

    That said, it is now seen by most Scots as a Scottish item of clothing and it is certainly accessible to all.

    I'm born and bred Glaswegian but I wear a kilt every day without fail.
    My family are from the Highlands but stopped wearing kilts regularly when they moved to Perthshire two generations ago.

    When you look in the yellow pages or at the catalog of a kiltmaker, you will find it says 'Highlandwear specialist.' Not Scottishwear.

  2. #52
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanboy View Post
    Your talking b******s
    Not from a historical perspective he isn't. While the kilt is thought of as a Scottish garment in modern times, during the 18th century, most Lowlanders, especially those who favoured the Hanoverians, wouldn't be caught dead in one.


  3. #53
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    First, I'll ask nicely that you don't use full sweary words on the forum. It's a family place.
    No offence, but just to let you know.
    Thank you, Arlen, for pointing this out.


  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanboy View Post
    Your talking bollocks
    Perhaps, as a critic, you would care to back up your assertion? The received wisdom is that the kilt originated in the highlands, not the lowlands. Further, lowlanders eschewed the kilt in favour of breeks and trews. You live in Glasgow-- which is in the lowlands-- so if you know something the rest of us don't, please share your knowledge. Criticism without facts to back it up is mere gainsay. And gainsay does nothing to advance or improve our understanding of our rich cultural heritage.

  5. #55
    seanboy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    Perhaps, as a critic, you would care to back up your assertion? The received wisdom is that the kilt originated in the highlands, not the lowlands. Further, lowlanders eschewed the kilt in favour of breeks and trews. You live in Glasgow-- which is in the lowlands-- so if you know something the rest of us don't, please share your knowledge. Criticism without facts to back it up is mere gainsay. And gainsay does nothing to advance or improve our understanding of our rich cultural heritage.

    during the industrial revalution hundreds of thousands of highlanders came to work in glasgow bringing with them highland culture and attire. most scots in glasgow live here now because of migration from the highlands. And the last time I checked the highlands is in scotland. The kilt today belongs to the lowlands as much as it belongs to the highlands. So highland scots dont get on your highhorse just because you live somewhere in teucterville.

  6. #56
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanboy View Post
    during the industrial revalution hundreds of thousands of highlanders came to work in glasgow bringing with them highland culture and attire. most scots in glasgow live here now because of migration from the highlands. And the last time I checked the highlands is in scotland. The kilt today belongs to the lowlands as much as it belongs to the highlands. So highland scots dont get on your highhorse just because you live somewhere in teucterville.
    You're ignorning the fact that before the industrial revolution, the kilt was essentially Highland attire, given it's association with the "wild Highlanders" and Jacobitism. While the kilt today may be Scottish, it's origins are Highland.


  7. #57
    seanboy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    You're ignorning the fact that before the industrial revolution, the kilt was essentially Highland attire, given it's association with the "wild Highlanders" and Jacobitism. While the kilt today may be Scottish, it's origins are Highland.

    it has always been scottish. I am aware of its origin.

  8. #58
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    Seanboy said

    "during the industrial revalution hundreds of thousands of highlanders came to work in glasgow bringing with them highland culture and attire. "

    Thanks for that, I may talk B(*&^&cks on occasion but this time Im factually correct, the Kilt is highland wear

    If you read my post properly I make the point that the Kilt can be worn by anyone, however its origins are in the Highlands, a point that you concede above.

    thers not much point debating on an internet forum if you are just coming on to tell us how much bull we are talking, we know that already haha!
    I dont have a horse, high or otherwise and teucterville is several mikes from where I live

    happy Kilting

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanboy View Post
    during the industrial revalution hundreds of thousands of highlanders came to work in glasgow bringing with them highland culture and attire. most scots in glasgow live here now because of migration from the highlands. And the last time I checked the highlands is in scotland. The kilt today belongs to the lowlands as much as it belongs to the highlands. So highland scots dont get on your highhorse just because you live somewhere in teucterville.
    O.K. Well, at that same time and before thousands upon thousands of Scots also moved to Germany, America, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, France and England.

    By your logic this means that the kilt is now a Scoto-franco-amei-canadi-zeal-australiao-anglo item of clothing, not just Scottish.

    The kilt does belong to folk in the lowlands just as much as it belongs to people the world over with or without Scottish heritage.
    That said, it was historically and remains technically Highlandwear just as people the world over regularly wear Kinonos as dressing gowns and class them as Japanese without realising that they originated as a Chinese garment.

    Now, speaking of people getting on to their high horse because they are from teucterville, there is no need to get offensive about any of this.
    It is a conversation and we are discussing historical fact as well as common usage.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanboy View Post
    it has always been scottish. I am aware of its origin.
    From a modern perspective, yes -- both the Highlands and Lowlands are both in Scotland. But from a historical perspective, it wasn't until the 19th century that Lowlanders truly embraced "Highland" attire as "Scottish" attire. Many pro-Government Lowlanders viewed the Highlanders and their dress as the dress of savages.

    Someone a few posts back brought up the fact that when the MoD merged the Scottish regiments a few years back, some squaddies in the Lowland regiments were none to happy to wear the kilt.


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