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View Poll Results: How do you feel about wearing of flat caps with kilts?

192. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes, I like flat caps with kilts

    100 52.08%
  • No, I hate flat caps with kilts

    11 5.73%
  • I have no strong opinion about flat caps with kilts

    62 32.29%
  • This is a ridiculous poll not worthy of my time and effort

    19 9.90%
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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotus View Post
    I voted for not caring if one wears one or not. I own a black one and it is my usual hat of choice for my normal, everyday attire when a hat is needed outdoors; however, I've never worn it with a kilt. I always wear a Glengarry with the kilt (and no, I've never been nor ever will be a piper).
    Hey wait. If pants are normal, everyday attire what are kilts? Abnormal, occasional attire??

  2. #52
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    Bump, just to try to catch the last few interested stragglers before we close the voting and fascinating discussion on this topic , hopefully for good. Poll closes when we reach 200 voters or tonite (7 days) either way.

    Today is the last opportunity. Opinions if you got 'em.

  3. #53
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    I voted "I have no strong opinion about flat caps with kilts" which is true, but I would have preferred to vote "I think you should wear whatever your heart desires, be it flat cap, pith helmut or propeller topped beanie".

  4. #54
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    Okay, folks, we are cuttin' 'er off. It has been a full week and at least 192 of the rabble have expressed their opinion. |No telling what the geographical breakdown might be, nor the trad vs non-trad statistics, but it was a landslide. The "Ayes" have it at a resounding majority of 52%, followed closely by the 32% to whom it did not matter strongly, then by 10 % who expressedthe opinion that it was a silly question to pollo the rabble about. Only 6 % (and I kindly rounded up) expressed strong feelings that the flat cap is not appropriate wear with the kilt.

    I think that between this and the two previous threadson thesubjectwe can probably put this controversy to bed. My read on this is that most folks think it to be okay to wear the flat cap with the kilt, or don't care one way or the other. A small number, likely trads from posts in the previous threads think it not appropriate, particularly in Scotland.

    I think Rob's comment above says it best, with one caveat. Wear what you want, but realize that if you do it in Scotland real kilties there may have a laugh at you or just plain not appreciate it.

    And as Red Skelton used to close his show with, "Good night and God bless." Let's shut this puppy down.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    ...And as Red Skelton used to close his show with, "Good night and God bless." Let's shut this puppy down.
    Puppy shut down per FM's request


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    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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