22nd March 10, 07:07 AM
Scene 15
“I take it you are the man claiming to be Lord Swill’s nephew?” I said to the man at the door.
“A necessary ruse,” he said to me, “in order to establish myself to the townspeople.”
“And why did you need to do that, to take over the town?”
“I have no interest in this town,” he answered. “As soon as I am done here, I will leave it to its fate.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Why, to eliminate you. It is all part of the Emperor’s plan to conquer this world. I was told to wait for one calling himself Dove and eliminate him.” He paused and examined me closely. “It’s amazing. You look so much like the King’s champion, yet you are obviously not him.”
“What makes you think I am not him?”
He laughed at my question. “Because although you look much like Sir David, the Guardian Dove, you do not act like him at all.”
Sir David must be my counterpart on this world, I thought to myself. “Why are you looking for me?” I asked.
“The Emperor received a warning from one of his advisors that you would try to stop his plans. He placed me here to intercept you and any allies you may have.”
“That’s why you imprisoned me,” Steven said.
“Yes indeed, Wizard,” our captor replied. “Imagine my surprise when my guards told me that a man had arrived looking for a Mr. Dove. I knew that it was only a matter of time before the one called Dove would arrive. Your asking questions in the town only served as bait to lure him to the tower.”
“I’m sorry, David,” Steven said to me. “I should have thought of that.”
“You had no way to know Steven. What happens now?” I asked our captor.
“You spend the night here and in the morning you will be executed.” He stepped aside and suddenly a plate slid under the door. The plate contained scraps of stale bread. Our captor again looked through the window. “Enjoy your meal gentlemen. It will be your last.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
22nd March 10, 08:44 AM
Scene 16
The next morning came all too soon. Neither Steven nor I could come up with a suitable plan, as we didn’t know enough details about our execution. We could only hope that an opportunity would present itself.
The guards opened the door and entered our cell. Following right after them was our captor.
“Gentlemen, it is time,” he said to us. “You will stand still and allow the guards to bind you.”
Something about his words made me want to obey his commands and I stood perfectly still while the guards bound my hands behind me and shackled my ankles.
“You will remain silent and let the guards lead you outside. You will stay docile and cooperate completely.” He then said to us.
For some reason I couldn’t resist his commands. It was almost as if some force was controlling me.
That was it! There was a force controlling me. This world was based on a fantasy model. Magic was all too real here. Apparently, this world’s Grant was a sorcerer of some sort.
Steven and I were led outside, with Lord Swill being left in the cell. I suppose our captor needed to keep him alive to maintain the cover of being the Lord’s nephew.
I was momentarily blinded as we were led outside into the sunlight. The residents of the village were gathered along the street as we were led through town. Could I count on any of them to help me escape?
My question was soon answered when I saw a figure on the street ahead of us. It was apparently a dwarf from his size and was fully suited in finely polished chain mail. A steel helmet sat on his head with a visor protecting his eyes and nose. The dwarf held a large steel war hammer in his hands.
“Clear the road!” the guards ordered.
“I will not!” the dwarf answered. “You will release your prisoners immediately!”
“Jockel, is that you?” our captor asked in disbelief. “Where did you get that ridiculous outfit? Get out of the way before you get hurt!”
“I will not move! Release the prisoners now!”
This was just the distraction I needed, but how was I going to break the spell I was under. I didn’t know how to deal with magic.
Our captor stepped forward. “Leave the area now!” he commanded. I could almost feel the force of his command in the air.
Apparently Jockel felt it as well. I saw him sway slightly but he didn’t move. Somehow he resisted the magic. Could it be that dwarves were resistant to such things in this world?
Our captor also seemed surprised, but didn’t take long to respond. “Kill him!” he ordered the two foremost guards in the detail. The guards drew their swords and advanced on the dwarf.
Jockel remained standing without moving as the guards approached him. Thinking the dwarf to be an easy kill, the guards laughed and charged in attack.
The guards were soon surprised as the dwarf exploded into action. He spun to avoid the first guard’s sword. Lowering his war hammer he caught the guards legs and swept them from under him. The guard crashed to the ground.
Continuing the momentum of his swing, Jockel brought his hammer up and deflected the second guard’s sword, knocking it aside. Jockel drove his shoulder into the guard’s stomach and drove him back. The guard stumbled under the assault and fell to the ground. Jockel allowed his momentum to carry him over the guard before swinging the hammer back around and down, slamming the weapon onto the guard’s helmet and leaving a large dent. I could see blood oozing from around the edge of the helmet.
Jockel turned back to the first guard who was struggling to regain his feet. Jockel rushed forward and swung his hammer upward, catching the guard under the chin. The guard’s head snapped back with a sickening crack.
Jockel turned back to face my captors.
“Jockel?” my captor said in amazement.
“I am Jockel Stronghammer of the Iron Mountains!” Jockel declared so that all could hear him. “I have promised to protect that man and his friends. You will release them now or suffer for your mistake!”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
22nd March 10, 10:43 AM
This is getting better and better.
<placing my order for popcorn to be delivered next Monday>
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
23rd March 10, 03:49 PM
houuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......... ....................
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
31st March 10, 10:52 AM
<munching on my popcorn and waiting for previews to be finished>
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
5th April 10, 08:11 AM
Scene 17
Our captor seemed a bit shocked at Jockel’s fighting prowess as he turned back towards us. “Cut him free,” he said to my guard. However, when my bounds were released an evil gleam came into his eye. “Kill the dwarf,” he ordered with a smile.
I felt the magic controlling my movements and I started towards Jockel. I didn’t want to do this, but I had no control over my actions. If only I could resist the magic like Jockel had.
Wait a minute; there was something one of the Pleaters had said. She had said that reality was determined by the beliefs of the inhabitants, but that I could hold onto my own reality. Magic did not exist in my world, or at least not like this. In my reality, this mind control was not possible. It should not be affecting me now. If I could just break the spell and move.
Suddenly, I felt a surge of energy flow through me and I stopped walking. I was free of the spell!
“What are you doing?” my captor demanded. “I said kill him!”
I turned back towards him with a smile on my face. “I don’t think so!” I said to him.
My captor’s eyes widened in disbelief. He grabbed Steven and used him as a human shield. “Kill them both!” he ordered the guards. The guards rushed towards us.
“David!” I heard from behind me and I turned my head back to Jockel. When I turned he tossed one of the fallen guard’s sword to me.
I grabbed the hilt of the sword and turned back to the attackers. I was not used to this sort of weapon and held it clumsily. I had spent many hours fencing with Panache in the gym, but this sword was not a rapier and the technique used was entirely different.
The first guard easily parried my clumsy swing and shoved against me, knocking me to the ground. He raised his own sword high to begin his killing stroke…only to fall back with an arrow in his chest. I quickly swept him off his feet with my leg and stood as quickly as I could.
The other guards had been surprised by the arrow and were now advancing more carefully.
My captor saw that we now had more assistance, so he grabbed Steven and placed a knife at his throat. “Surrender at once or he dies!” he threatened.
I looked around desperately, and saw the villagers hiding behind trees and whatever other cover they could find, yet still watch the battle. I knew now where I could find help.
“Villagers,” I called out to get their attention.
My captor also spun around at hearing my voice. “Be silent!” he ordered.
I felt the magic again, but this time I was prepared and held firm to my belief that it would not affect me. My captor’s eyes opened wide with fear when I smiled at him.
“Villagers!” I again called out. “This man has lied to you! He is not Lord Swill’s nephew! He does not work for your Lord! He has imprisoned Lord Swill and taken his tower by witchcraft and treachery! He has oppressed you and made you fear him, but now you can fight back!” I pointed to where Jockel stood facing the guards. “A lone dwarf has made his stand for you! Will you stand in fear and let him die?”
The crowd of villagers began to murmur amongst themselves until a lone voice rose from them in determination. “Kill the usurper!” yelled Frederick the innkeeper.
The group of villagers rushed forward with a yell, but suddenly my captor shoved Steven away, raised his arms and was surrounded by a thick cloud. As the villagers surrounded his position, the cloud dissipated.
Our captor had disappeared. The guards, now without their leader and vastly outnumbered by the villagers, threw down their weapons and fell to the ground in surrender.
Dropping from a tree, our unseen ally, Starbuck, now stepped forward with his bow drawn and aimed at the guards. “Is everyone okay?” he asked Jockel.
“The only casualties are the two guards I killed and the one you shot,” the dwarf answered. “David, are you harmed?”
“I’m fine, thank you for your assistance, both of you,” I said to them.
“No problem,” said Starbuck. “When Jockel asked for my help I couldn’t resist. I haven’t helped in a rebellion in decades.”
“It’s not finished yet,” said Jockel. “We must get to the tower before he seals himself in and we can’t get to him.”
Last edited by davedove; 12th April 10 at 06:30 AM.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
5th April 10, 10:44 AM
Must order more popcorn...... and something to drink.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
12th April 10, 06:53 AM
Scene 18
We quickly released Steven from his bonds and rushed towards the tower. At the door, a lone guard started to block the way, but, upon seeing the entire town coming towards him, quickly threw aside his weapons and surrendered.
“Where will he be?” I asked Jockel.
“Probably in Lord Swill’s chambers,” he answered, “up the stairs.”
We made our way up the stairs to the door at the top, only to find it blocked. I listened and heard a conversation inside.
“They’ll soon be here, you have to help me!” our captor demanded.
“I don’t have to do anything!” an imperious voice answered. “You have failed me! But, you may yet prove useful. Step into the portal and I will save you.”
“We have to hurry!” I said to Jockel. “He’s going to escape!”
Jockel threw himself against the door with all his strength. “It’s no good,” he said. “It’s barred from the other side.
“Stand aside!” we heard Steven yell from the back of our group. He came forward carrying a stick of what could only be dynamite. “Everyone get back!”
As I directed everyone back down the stairs, I saw Steven place the stick against the door with something that looked like putty. He struck a large wooden match against the rough stone and lit the fuse.
“Get down!” he yelled and took cover behind a stone pillar.
The fuse quickly burned down and the dynamite detonated. The villagers all shrank back in fear and wonder.
The blast caused the door to burst inward, opening our way. I rushed into the chambers, followed by Jockel and Starbuck. We all saw our captor stepping into the rippled surface of a mirror.
Starbuck quickly fired an arrow, but as soon as our captor stepped through the mirror, its surface solidified and the arrow bounced off.
“We’re too late,” I said in defeat.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
12th April 10, 07:32 AM
Scene 19
“What do we do now?” Steven asked.
I turned back to him and was struck by what he now carried. He had gained a military style belt with a holster that carried a single action revolver. Over his shoulder was a large military style bag. On his head was a visored cap with some sort of insignia on it.
“Steven,” I asked, “where did you get those things?”
“Oh, these, they are my gear. We passed the storeroom on our way to the stairs, so I grabbed them. I thought we might need it.”
“Including the dynamite?”
“Of course, we definitely needed that.”
“But why do you have that stuff? I thought you were a wizard.”
He laughed a bit at my confusion. “Wizard? That’s just a nickname. I’m not a real wizard, unless you use the original meaning of course.”
“A wise man, or one who has great knowledge. Who are you then?”
He straightened as if reporting to a superior officer. “Lieutenant Commander Steven Ashton, Chief Engineer of the NAA Valiant.”
“Chief Engineer, eh? But, pardon me, NAA?”
“Yes, North American Airship, under the command of Captain Panache.”
“And you serve aboard her with a Commander Dove?” I asked, remembering what Steven had said in the dungeon.
“Yes, we both serve aboard that grand airship in service to the NAU against the Latin hordes.”
“NAU? Latin hordes?”
“Yes, the North American Union, formed in the late nineteenth century when the United States annexed Canada from the British Empire. We are currently at war with the Latin Confederation, which is made up of the countries from Mexico to Argentina. I take it this is all different in your reality.”
“Indeed it is, and I must hear all about it sometime. But for now, I have a quest to complete. Unfortunately, I’m not sure where to go now. I was told I would receive direction along the way.”
“You could go to the seer,” Jockel said from behind me.
I turned back to him. “The seer?”
“Yes, Theodore the Seer, who lives just east of town. It’s said that he can sometimes see the future. People go to him often for advice.”
“That’s as good an option as any,” I said. “Show me the way.”
After releasing Lord Swill to the care of Frederick and the other villagers, the four of us, Jockel, Starbuck, Steven, and myself, headed east. We passed through a thick section of forest only to find ourselves in a small clearing with a small cottage in the center.
As we approached, we saw a man tending a garden and walked up to him. Before we could say anything, he greeted us.
“Welcome, Mr. Dove, I’ve been expecting you.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
12th April 10, 10:44 AM
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