24th June 10, 02:27 PM
Sir Simon Lockhart, who carried the key to the casket containing Bruce's heart on its way to Jerusalem, and who went on to become one of my ancestors.
Which one is the greater accomplishment, do you think?
When given a choice, most people will choose.
28th June 10, 01:58 PM
 Originally Posted by cajunscot
Seamus Mor/Hamish Henderson.
Seconded! ;c)
29th June 10, 01:18 AM
29th June 10, 04:27 AM
Sorry, can't include Scotty, he has not been born yet
29th June 10, 05:45 AM
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
[Proverbs 14:27]
29th June 10, 09:59 AM
Rather subjective question isn't it? I would say Sir Walter Scott.
29th June 10, 10:19 AM
 Originally Posted by Jimmy
Sorry, can't include Scotty, he has not been born yet
But if you count the number of times the crew of the Enterpise visited the 20th century, Scotty would be at least an honourary citizen!
29th June 10, 11:23 AM
I really don't like the idea of naming people as the "greatest" all out person. Even in certain fields subjectivity prevails... but the fact that Scottish history has as many names to choose from, I think it is telling and something of which we can be proud.
I will say that of all the names given, despite my favor of Robert the Bruce, I think Robert Burns is the best argued. Sir Walter Scott, while influential, is not as easy to relate to for the common modern man as Burns.
30th June 10, 01:08 AM
 Originally Posted by Canuck of NI
But if you count the number of times the crew of the Enterpise visited the 20th century, Scotty would be at least an honourary citizen!
he has been made an honourary citizen of Linlithgow, where he will be born later this century, a statue of him has been erected
30th June 10, 02:04 AM
 Originally Posted by davidlpope
I think you'd have to consider the "biggies", Robert the Bruce and William Wallace, even though they predate the Enlightenment.
Also, although I know it's cheating the question a bit, instead of a specific individual how about the generic "Scottish Soldier"? Scottish Servicemen had a huge impact on the culture and traditions of Scotland (saved the kilt from oblivion, even?) as well as worldwide impact through service in far-flung reaches of the Empire...
Well if you were looking for the epitome of a Scottish Soldier, how about Field Marshal Sir Colin Campbell?
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