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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drac View Post
    Not doing a good job typing here

    I meant to imply how about the example "I would never wear medals to a corporate event" instead of "I would never wear medals to a Burn's Dinner>" that bothered cajunscot.

    As I was trying to imply that I feel comfortable wearing medals to a military function but not to something outside of that.

    Maybe time to ask to close the thread as it seems to be spiralling down and bothering people no matter which way it goes.

    Jim, the part I've highlighted in bold was what I understood your post to mean. My comments were intended to reinforce your position, while at the same time conveying to others the "whys and wherefores" of wearing medals with civilian attire.


  2. #52
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    I am very sorry that it appears as though my initial comments about my own opinions related to the wearing of medals on civilian attire, have lead to some discord and help to move this thread away from the OP's intention. It was not my intention to do this in any way. I have learned--again-- that just because one may have an opinion, it doesn't mean it always needs to be shared. My opinions are simply that--and come from my own military experience.

    To Drac: Thank you again for your service and for attending our Navy Ball. To the others on this thread who may have become upset during our discussion--I appologize if my opinion or the manner in which I shared it, has lead to that. I will continue to be of my own opinion, but that doesn't mean I value yours any less, or in some way value less your military service--thank you all for your service and sacrifice.

    BTW--I actually priced what it would cost to update and mount my mini's if I were to decide to wear them to functions like the Navy Ball. At 'discount', the mounted price--just for mini's is $295.00 plus shipping! WOW--Those of you who DO wear these, definitely have more of an investment in these than I had even thought of before.
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  3. #53
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    Pass me the Tumms!

    Pete-- no heartburn here. None that was until I saw the cost of replacing your miniatures! YIKES! I'm calling my insurance agent and making sure these (and my father's medals) are specifically covered by my home owner's insurance. I'd suggest others might want to do the same.

  4. #54
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  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drac View Post
    Ok, waist coat in.

    Sorry Pete, the only Navy (Edzell) I have is a Sport Kilt and now that I have the others I'm not liking it for the Ball. I do have a Blueberry on but I think that is a bit too casual If I get back into the Bees I will be adding the Sea Bee on the list. Not sure which to get first a Edzell or a Sea Bee.

    Hmm, never have enough money for the kilts. Like I'm alone there?

    Less is more in America. We have been catching flack as well for referring to ourselves as American as American encompasses the whole of the hemi-sphere So those of us from, the States prefer to shorten any spelling when ever it presents an occasion to do so.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowburn View Post
    Less is more in America. We have been catching flack as well for referring to ourselves as American as American encompasses the whole of the hemi-sphere So those of us from, the States prefer to shorten any spelling when ever it presents an occasion to do so.
    I grew up next to Canada so I know about how that can get on our neighbors nerves but not sure what my comment had to do with that and, I'm sorry, you've lost me on the last sentence.


  7. #57
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    To drac, I think I might have used the quote option wrong. I was meaning to someone's question on so spelling in the States. I apologize for any confusion..

  8. #58
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    Personal opinion, since I didn't read this till this evening... When I retired 9 years ago from the Navy, I put away all my uniforms, and medals and everything. I realize I am entitled to wear the uniform I spent 20 years in. I'm undecided whether I will wear a uniform OR medals for formal events. Of course, I'd have to BUY new uniform items, as I've, um, expanded some since retirement! Although, I fully understand using the mounted medal since its costly to get them properly mounted...

    I have a friend, also retired, from a sister service, that chooses to wear full Mess Dress for many formal events (weddings, funerals). Not sure I'm prepared to do the same, but maybe, someday...

    One other issue, I no longer CARE to shave regularly, nor keep a military haircut. So, perhaps, uniform items are no longer for me... Good thing I work outdoors and away from the public then.
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