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  1. #51
    Join Date
    2nd January 11
    Tampa Bay Florida
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    My favorite hose to wear are burnt orange, with my Caledonia tartan - there isn't so much as a hint of orange in this tartan, save where the yellow stripe intersects the red.

    And I've even had my wife tell me "wear the orange ones... they look better" than the pair of "denim blue" that I specifically purchased to complement the Caledonia.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    31st May 09
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    Purple, Red and Orange Oh My


    You know, that thought did cross my mind about the purple. Just add a cromach and you've got enough to think "Abbot" or "Bishop".

    The red might just have people think pentecost or martyrdom...

    To add to the oddities of clerical minutiae, I wondered if the orange hose would hint to some sort of Orangemen idea.
    Of course if someone could make that connection they more than likely would know that Piskies history as Jacobites, until it ended in a Cardinal... then even the Vatican gave up the ghost in the cause.

    As long as my shirt is black and my collar is tight I should be fine...
    but beware of the kilted genuflection.


    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    I too wear this tartan, and like the input given as regarding choices for hose.

    But, Justin, isn't there the possibility that, were you to choose purple or red, people will think that you are a prelate of some higher rank than you could honestly claim?

    If only our Archbishop Stan were still active here to weigh in on this. As an aside, has anyone heard anything about how he's doing?

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