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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted in Maine View Post
    I haven't tried this yet and have never tasted true "white lightning". Those who have may want to give it a try to compare...

    I've had it, its not bad for "Legal" Moonshine. Unlike Georgia Moon, Ole Smoky is more like the illegal liquor found in the backwoods, but nothing takes the place of honest-to-God, No tax, Real shine, some old boys have perfected the art. Just be cautious where you get it, there are people that take shortcuts and do all types of things to tamper with it.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by EagleJCS View Post

    Distillery & brand(s)
    Thanks for the list!

    Most moonshine isn't worth the bottle it comes in. Most of it is made from refined sugar, single distilled to maximize quantity, and not aged.

    There are a few that are pretty good though. I have a friend who used to buy from Popcorn Sutton, which was probably the best I ever had. One test is to pour a little in the bottom of an upside down coffee cup (preferably in a dark place) and set it on fire. A pure blue flame is what you're looking for.

    And I swear some people just go buy a bottle of cheap vodka and pour it into mason jars (especially the jars that come with fruit in them). Or maybe even grain alcohol cut with water. Since some people will pay up to $20 a quart for moonshine, it would be easy money. Or easy "mystique" if you're just passing it around. ("here try some of this peach liquor." "Where'd you get it?" "I can't tell." Yeah, right.)

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyper View Post
    Thanks for the list!

    Most moonshine isn't worth the bottle it comes in. Most of it is made from refined sugar, single distilled to maximize quantity, and not aged.

    There are a few that are pretty good though. I have a friend who used to buy from Popcorn Sutton, which was probably the best I ever had. One test is to pour a little in the bottom of an upside down coffee cup (preferably in a dark place) and set it on fire. A pure blue flame is what you're looking for.

    And I swear some people just go buy a bottle of cheap vodka and pour it into mason jars (especially the jars that come with fruit in them). Or maybe even grain alcohol cut with water. Since some people will pay up to $20 a quart for moonshine, it would be easy money. Or easy "mystique" if you're just passing it around. ("here try some of this peach liquor." "Where'd you get it?" "I can't tell." Yeah, right.)
    Agreed, gotta see the blue flame...It does help if you know the people that make it...and I generally do not share my sources or trust other peoples stuff, specifically for that reason
    Although, I was at an Auburn/Ga football game in Auburn a few years ago and tried this old man's and that might be some of the best stuff I ever tried... but I digress

  4. #54
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    I choose scotch. If I drink to much scotch and get a bit sick and get the scotch sloshing back up into my throat and mouth well, that's what bourbon twisted like to me. I have a strong suspicion that I haven't been trying the right stuff. For example I try to convert people to Tequila. They have chugged and shot Jose Cuervo and literally have a bad taiste in their mouth. I give them the stuff that is pure and just as complex as any scotch, wine or whatever.
    I don't want a thread hijack but if any one can recommend a really really good bourbon please PM me.
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
    Colossians 4:6

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by GaRebel211 View Post

    and I generally do not share my sources
    Good idea.

    It seems like most people will tell you something like, "well, I get it from an old guy in the hills." Or maybe, "My friend gets it for me -- from an old guy in the hills." But when someone says, "I can't say," and their stuff tastes like Popov vodka poured over fruit, I makes me wonder.

  6. #56
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    They choice has been made for me. While I prefer the taste of Scotch to Boubon, Boubon always causes me to suffer a tremendous aching heed.

  7. #57
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    Well let me add to this discussion from the Virginia distiller Copper Fox; Wasmunds Single Malt Whisky and a Rye Whiskey. Both are rather nice.

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