6th April 06, 10:16 AM
I wonder if the Vikings had animal rights activists pressuring them to give up the fur trade? After all, they wore fur as clothing most of the winter. 
6th April 06, 10:33 AM
Personally I want to be vacuum packed between two sheets of plastic that are then sealed shut. Then I want the entire package to be irradiated to kill all the little bugs inside my body. In that pristine environment without any air or bacteria I should be free from decay. Then I want the entire vacuum sealed package to be placed inside a metal coffin, a vacuum created inside the coffin and then hermetically sealed so that in case the plastic seal breaks on the first packaging I'll have a redundant system. Then I want that entire package placed inside a large granite sarcophagus with an image of myself carved into the top, lying in sweet repose. Finally I want that placed inside a huge mauseleum made of stone with carvings praising the memory of His August Majesty, Emperor Phillip III, and my many exploits and conquests. Among the decorations will be murals and sculptures depicting a world in which all men are kilted and pants are banned from sight. Then the whole thing can be buried under a giant mound of dirt and thousands of years from now can discover the tomb and come up with some totally cock-eyed theories about the current world and believe that during the early 21st century every one in the world wore KILTS! And out of their joy at discovering that during this time, the world joined together, everyone wore kilts, and we lived in a time of peace and prosperity and total equality for everyone. But then totalitarian barbarians reappeared and forced pant-wearing back on a defenseless world and it once again sank into depravity and violence. Then out of respect for the immense power of kilt-wearing for good, they once again abandon pants and everyone wears kilts.
Okay, I know that's a long shot, but hey if it gets the world to wear kilts I think it will be worth the investment.
(The entire preceeding post was written entirely with tongue in cheek).
6th April 06, 10:47 AM
Glassman, have you been smoking some of your Doctor's tobacco
6th April 06, 10:55 AM
9th April 06, 08:42 PM
 Originally Posted by ByDand
Glassman, have you been smoking some of your Doctor's tobacco 
I was wondering why the normally fragrant aroma reminiscent of my grandfather which normally arises from my pipe had an odd tang of burning rope!?!?!
11th April 06, 12:30 AM
I read a post similar to this on my pipers forum a while back.....the gent told of how his father was a drum major and he was wearing a full cheetah skin which was his grandfathers( making it the gents GREAT grandfather) in a parade back east( NY i believe)...anyhow some whacko tree hugger animals are people too ran up during the parade and threwa 2 Gal. bucket of paint on him and said something to the effect of " that wil teach you to kill!! "
mind you this was an OLD skin ...something his father only took out for special events it was something his great grand father brought back from africa during the war........needless to say it took about 10 people holding him back from killing that guy ( remember Drum major.....officers dirk ......10" blade)
my question is what gives that (@#$*)@*&@#)&($%^)^#*)%^&#$@)(*)%&%)(&$ ( insert 10 curses here) the RIGHT TO DO THAT?!?!?!
Im tired of other people telling me whats right for me! and telling me that what I think is wrong because its not what they think!!
live and let live I say ... LIVEyourlifeANDLETmeLIVEmine!!
ok ....wow this soap box is pretty high.....anyone got a ladder?
scott ........not looking for extremists.....but ready if they show
Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!
11th April 06, 07:39 AM
 Originally Posted by Kiltedfirepiper
I read a post similar to this on my pipers forum a while back.....the gent told of how his father was a drum major and he was wearing a full cheetah skin which was his grandfathers( making it the gents GREAT grandfather) in a parade back east( NY i believe)...anyhow some whacko tree hugger animals are people too ran up during the parade and threwa 2 Gal. bucket of paint on him and said something to the effect of " that wil teach you to kill!! "
mind you this was an OLD skin ...something his father only took out for special events it was something his great grand father brought back from africa during the war........needless to say it took about 10 people holding him back from killing that guy ( remember Drum major.....officers dirk ......10" blade)
my question is what gives that (@#$*)@*&@#)&($%^)^#*)%^&#$@)(*)%&%)(&$ ( insert 10 curses here) the RIGHT TO DO THAT?!?!?!
Im tired of other people telling me whats right for me! and telling me that what I think is wrong because its not what they think!!
live and let live I say ... LIVEyourlifeANDLETmeLIVEmine!!
ok ....wow this soap box is pretty high.....anyone got a ladder?
scott ........not looking for extremists.....but ready if they show
I'd love to help you down...but i'm up there with you. If someone were to even touch a skin my great grandfather had taken, those people would be part of the first humanskin sporran! Some people have no concept of tolerance, and those tree-hugging nut jobs with the paint just make things worse! Can you imagine the cost related to cleaning that skin? It would be astronomical!
11th April 06, 08:11 AM
We've let this thread run for a while, but a wee reminder that it is on the line.
Thanks, gents!
11th April 06, 09:13 AM
 Originally Posted by highlander_Daz
Ive always wondered why if its wrong to eat animals -why do they taste so good?
That reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker:
"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
11th April 06, 09:15 AM
 Originally Posted by cajunscot
We've let this thread run for a while, but a wee reminder that it is on the line.
Thanks, gents!
I most humbly digress....
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