just an update... mom is finishing up rads Tx on tues. we cut her hair short, but the last few days it had been very patchy so I offered up my barber services, and heres the result!
she's still in good spirits, and this time around she doesnt seem to mind everyone seeing her bald ( last time she wouldnt let anyone see her w/o a wig or some kind of head wrap)
the 14th we are going to do a ride up to kitt peak observitory(sp) it will be me and my wife( shadow 1100), dad and mom (HD touring ) my brother (shadow saber1100) and hopefully a few more friends too!
it should be fun and hopefully mom will feel good enough to enjoy it too
Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!
Very encouraging news. Enjoy all of the little things every day.
If you have never seen this before, please watch it. It's simply the most inspirational speech ever. If you aren't a sports fan you can find Jimmy V's story online somewhere. He was the basketball coach at NC State when he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. At the time of this speech he was near the end. You can also look up info on the V Foundation.
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26th September 05
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our loved ones live on in our memories of them. both of my parents have passed on and I can hear their voices still in my mind. do not hold back on your grieving, it is needed for us to move on.