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  1. #61
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    Re: Off-season training

    Nice job on the deadlift Alan!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    ecklarkb ... try some incline bench. Most of the throwers guys and also Adriane Blewitt...who ought to know, considering.... tell me that incline crosses over to throwing better than flat bench.

    Your squats are big. Not HUGE but big, plenty big enough to throw far. As a very general goal, maybe gun for a 5-8% increase in weights across the board in your lifts and THROW A LOT.
    I might try some incline next year, but I really want to bench 315, so I'm going to keep bench as a main lift until I do. I'm soooo close....

    Yep, I plan on throwing a lot - as much as I can. I have a park where I can throw less than 100 yards from my house. So there's no excuses, I should be throwing several times a week if I'm healthy. But for the next 4 months, my goal is to get stronger (in terms of 1RM). After that (during season I guess) I plan to tailor the workouts around the throwing.

  2. #62
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    Re: Off-season training

    To me, and this is just me....Queen Mary is kind of an anomaly. If I were in So Cal, I'd do it and I'd practice 4-6x before the Games so I didn't embarrass myself, but I would probably aim for Las Vegas or Ardenwood (up here) to kick off my real season.

    So the season would end with Ventura in October...or maybe Tucson, first weekend in November, and wouldn't start again until mid-April.

    Nov- Dec-Jan-Feb-March ... five months of "off season" to train the weights.

    Nov-Dec, first half of January....ten weeks, maybe a little bit more- Lift big. Get that 315 flat bench. Do what makes you happy, but lift big! Score some PR's

    Second half of January to end of February.... lift fast. Olympic lifts. Hang cleans and high pulls and dumbell snatches and stuff like that. Bench half of your 3x PR and THROW the bar. Seriously. FAST deadlifts. FAST squats where you come up on your toes for 8 x 3. Hungarian Core blasters. Try those modified Litvinov squat/sprint things. Go sprint 30 yards x 10. Stadium steps.... start throwing more at the beginning of March.

    beginning of March to Las Vegas/Ardenwood (mid April).... lifting drops to 1 maybe 2x a week, you're throwing 2x a week for 2-3 hours a session. Drill, drill, drill for two weeks. Do 6 x 10 super long hammer winds every workout. It's HARD. First turn drills for the weights, single spin drills for the weights.. Do toeboard drills for stones. Do hip pop drills, standing throws. Last week in March and first week in April you start doing a lot more full-throws. Knock off 4 days before the first Games and go tear them up!

    Well....that's MY plan!

  3. #63
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    Re: Off-season training

    Land mines...How funny is that?

    A month or two ago, I bought a landmine swivel for my garage gym and only last night while doing my sets and reps I was considering how to set it up. The base plate has three holes and I was thinking about bolting it to the floor. It does have a clamping arrangement for attaching it underneath a power rack but I'm not sure I want to clog the interior of the rack.

    Last night's work:
    The Bear
    17" Snatch Grip Deadlift (barbell just below the knee caps)
    Incline bench rack presses (barbell rests on the rack safeties and you press UP - no bounce!)
    Hungarian Core Blasters
    Hanging knee raises
    Ab Sling chins
    Dan John presses (2-3-5-10 reps to 50 total)

    Core blasters rule for caber pulls and WOB.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  4. #64
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    Re: Off-season training

    Nice work guys!

    Today was deadlift day for me. Did some squats to warm up & then set a rep PR on my last set of deads: 10x390. Finished with some chinups, 3 sets of 10...

    I'm tired. Going to bed early tonight...

  5. #65
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    To me, and this is just me....Queen Mary is kind of an anomaly. If I were in So Cal, I'd do it and I'd practice 4-6x before the Games so I didn't embarrass myself, but I would probably aim for Las Vegas or Ardenwood (up here) to kick off my real season.

    So the season would end with Ventura in October...or maybe Tucson, first weekend in November, and wouldn't start again until mid-April.

    Nov- Dec-Jan-Feb-March ... five months of "off season" to train the weights.

    Nov-Dec, first half of January....ten weeks, maybe a little bit more- Lift big. Get that 315 flat bench. Do what makes you happy, but lift big! Score some PR's

    Second half of January to end of February.... lift fast. Olympic lifts. Hang cleans and high pulls and dumbell snatches and stuff like that. Bench half of your 3x PR and THROW the bar. Seriously. FAST deadlifts. FAST squats where you come up on your toes for 8 x 3. Hungarian Core blasters. Try those modified Litvinov squat/sprint things. Go sprint 30 yards x 10. Stadium steps.... start throwing more at the beginning of March.

    beginning of March to Las Vegas/Ardenwood (mid April).... lifting drops to 1 maybe 2x a week, you're throwing 2x a week for 2-3 hours a session. Drill, drill, drill for two weeks. Do 6 x 10 super long hammer winds every workout. It's HARD. First turn drills for the weights, single spin drills for the weights.. Do toeboard drills for stones. Do hip pop drills, standing throws. Last week in March and first week in April you start doing a lot more full-throws. Knock off 4 days before the first Games and go tear them up!

    Well....that's MY plan!
    There is a lot of talk about seasons...I just figured this was a year-round sport. We did Tucson in November, and plan on Queen Mary in February, Phoenix in March, either Prescott or Albuquerque in May, Back up to Flagstaff in June/July...Throw in a San Diego, or Ventura, or Las Vegas, and you have a pretty full year with a month or two in between each to recover and keep training.
    "When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown
    Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!

  6. #66
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by azwildcat96 View Post
    There is a lot of talk about seasons...I just figured this was a year-round sport. We did Tucson in November, and plan on Queen Mary in February, Phoenix in March, either Prescott or Albuquerque in May, Back up to Flagstaff in June/July...Throw in a San Diego, or Ventura, or Las Vegas, and you have a pretty full year with a month or two in between each to recover and keep training.
    You absolutely can do that. I've never done it that way, but *whew*...need some down time!

    December -rest
    January - lift and train
    February - Queen Mary

    March - Phoenix
    April - Las Vegas
    May - Costa Mesa or Albuquerque or Prescott
    June - Vista/San Diego
    July - Flagstaff (July 21-22)
    August - ??
    September - ??
    October - Ventura (probably about October 5-6)
    November - Tucson

    Looks to me like you have two, two-month breaks in there, and that's an 8-Games schedule, which is pretty good. I did 10 last year, though I pranged myself up during warm-up an Enumclaw and couldn't throw. I have to say, I was ready for the season to be over once the end of September rolled around.

    A.) Looks like about ten weeks between Tucson and Queen Mary, and Personally, I would probably take 2-3 weeks off immediately after Tucson. Maybe I'd do some light lifting, but you gotta give your body a break from this stuff now and then.

    B.) Flagstaff to Ventura ... that's about ten weeks, as well. If it were me, I'd take a 2-3 week break right after Flagstaff.

    But this is just me, at age 54. I need recovery time. After Ventura I didn't do much of anything for almost a month. OK, well...three weeks anyway. During Winter break, I won't do a bluidy thing but lounge around and hike a little bit for about 2 weeks.

  7. #67
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    Re: Off-season training

    Incline Bench Day ... kept the pace low, though I upped the volume a bit.

    Stretch Cage ...minimal, was short on time
    Incline Bench press ... 10 x bar / 2 x 8 x 95 / 2 x 6 x 135 / 4 x 155, 3 x 155 -- FAIL on the last one, didn't make it to 4x, but happy with the volume.

    bench rows 3 x 8 x 90 each side, next time I'm trying 95!
    triceps pull-down ... 2 x 8 x 85 on the stack

    ----3-4 minute rest, then had blood pressure taken because I was concerned with some dizziness -- 141/77, pulse 88. The 141 is a bit high, but considering what I'm doing, not bad. That's what it was before I gave blood last Wed., also right after working out. I will take it before bed, tonight. ----

    seated flies ... 4 x 5 x 175 "on the stack"
    upright rows ... 2 x 6 x 85 / 2 x 6 x 75

    random upper body exercise - windmills ... 2 x 8 x 30 per hand.

    UPDATE: this mornings blood pressure was about 132/80 or thereabouts.

  8. #68
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    Re: Off-season training

    I enjoyed reading this shotput article this morning so I thought I'd share: http://www.coachr.org/critical_facto...e_shot_put.htm

    Here's what I took from this study, as it related to Open Stone (I'm a rotational thrower):

    - Release velocity is BY FAR the most important factor in determining distance of a throw.

    - Slightly lower release angle is good (31-36d)

    - Optimal release point for the shot is 0.2 - 0.5m in front of the trig.

    Also got the following tips for my rotational technique:

    - Long Sweeping Free Leg - I already know this, but need to work on it.

    - Higher Center of Mass During flight phase (transition to middle of throw). This was interesting.

    - Bend my right knee when I touch down in center of circle. No! Bend it MORE, Eric!

    Anyway, always good to be reminded of the technical stuff. Going to go out & drill some stuff today :-)

    Also, here's a really nice vid (includes slo-mo) of Randy Barnes throwing shot. This is what my technique should look like:

  9. #69
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    Re: Off-season training

    Randy Barnes was a beast.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  10. #70
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude View Post
    Randy Barnes was a beast.
    That's for sure, both in raw strength and technique. Another 70's era thrower, Ulf Timmerman had more than one documented 70+ foot STANDING throw. Now, THAT is bluidy strong..

    Personally, I'll never be a rotational stones thrower because I simply don't have the time to get it "right". It's an investment question, really.

    The payoff is big, if you can put in the work to get the rotational throw figured out. For me, I figure there are eight freakin' events to figure out, and for me to put the time into that one such that I actually started to see the big payoff....don't think it's worth it.

    A bad or ho-hum rotational throw won't go as far as a well done standing throw, and the standing throw is SO much easier to get right. A good glide is easier than a rotational stone throw, but again, a so-so glide won't go as far as a standing throw that you really HIT. I could try a shuffle, but honestly, I find that if I just get into the power position in a standing throw, and SLAM it, the thing goes consistantly farther. The one time in 20+ that I really stick a glide, I can beat my best standing throw, but will I do that on Game Day? How much work do I have to put in, to get that extra 6 inches, *consistantly*?

    I will work on a simple glide again this winter and see how it goes, but I bet dollars to doughnuts that next year I'll be standing again, and gunning for a 33 foot PR. 33 feet is by no means "great" in the 50-59's but it's respectable.

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