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  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunchdescendant
    Just a reminder to those doing the Braveheart blue face thing-

    (sounds of Ray walking to the front of the class)

    "Use a moisturizer or barrier cream UNDER the blue makeup, or you're bound to be doing some explaining for a few days"

    (sounds of Ray sitting back down at his desk)

    The voice of experience talking.......don't ask why, just listen and take notes.

    This goes double if you are using Grease Paint or your skin is on the very pale side.

    good tip.... lol

    to bad i would love to hear that one....

  2. #72
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    I had fun

    I built this from 4 random yards of fabric I had some leather laying around the house. did not go as William Wallace just a random warrior...
    Only Critera for a good costume: you must be able to drink in it, dance in it and take a pee. This worked fine....
    “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau

  3. #73
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Ok, while I have been here a short time if those reading have read any of my posts it will be no surprise that I find it in extremly bad taste to wear a modern kilt for fancy dress.

    It was mentioned that since pants can be part of a costume then why not a kilt. I'll give you two reasons; first pants in general are not conected to anything in particular the kilt is. No matter how many non-Scots wear a kilt, for now at least, it is still viewed as a Scottish garment. Second, pants are not viewed as a costume, however, in the US many see the kilt as a costume already. Given this it does no good to further this idea.

    I must admit that I don't have the same feeling about the great kilt. To me it falls into historic garb like a toga or revolutionary garb.

    Also, I have been to parties where some one has come as a caricature of a Scotsman (vs. character) and I find it offensive. If I showed up wearing an offensive t-shirt, my pants hanging below my a** and/or underwear with a Bud in one hand and a tv remote in the other and informed everyone who asked that I had come as an American, I expect many would be offended. They should as I was with those dressed as "Scots"

    Since I wear a kilt for work (when I am meeting clients about a Scotttish wedding or event I wear a kilt) I will definitely not be wearing a kilt tomorrow.

  4. #74
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    And, since I'll be busy doing an emergency transmission swap on my daily driver, I won't be kilted either. I'll be dressed up as greasy mechanic.


  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by switchblade5984
    good tip.... lol

    to bad i would love to hear that one....
    Think 'KISS'......I was in a band, and we went as KISS, even played a short set for the party whle the regular band pointed and laughed!

    I was Ace Frehley.

    That Silver makeup, greasepaint based, stained like h e double hockeysticks.

    About a week's worth. Now ya know.....

    "There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
    Statement made by pink winged pony
    with crossed axes tattooed on her rump

  6. #76
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    Every year my floor at work has a "theme" that we're supposed to tailor our costumes towards. This year's theme is "Numbers".

    So I'm wearing a three-piece suit in addition to bifurcated clothing.

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirkskene
    This Saturday evening we are going to a party & I am going in full regalia. Yes I know it is clothing and not a costume. But as KiltedCodeWarrior aluded to, if it promotes the kilt it is a positive thing. Besides I did not buy this stuff to reserve for ren-fairs.
    This is exactly why I sported my garb last night (York County, Maine law has trick or treating happen the night BEFORE Halloween... no idea why) while I walked the wee-uns around the 'hood. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos last night, but the kilt and the boots I wore last night can be seen below. The sporran in the photo was my own creation (which I ended up selling for $50 [the rough equivelant of £26 or €39 for our European friends]).

    Anyway, here's the photo:

  8. #78
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    Several years ago , we had a costume contest at work. There were three prizes. Lucky, because only three of us showed up in costume. My department had two entrants. I threw on a tyvek suit, put on my respirator, goggles and a hardhat and became......The Toxic Avenger! I was introduced as "gas man". Guess it's time to pull out another tyvek suit and scare the doodoo out of the two kids in the neighborhood. Boo! Happy Halloween!

  9. #79
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    Hey Blazn,

    What's the tartan? I like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLAZN

    Anyway, here's the photo:
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  10. #80
    Panache's Avatar
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    This has been a fun thread. I wish a Happy Halloween to all!

    Says Panache as he now goes to don his Highwayman outfit to take Sinbad (as a wizard ) and Xena (as a spotted kitty cat) out to Trick or Treat.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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