Ladies and Gentlemen, Guys 'n' Gals,

First, the bad news:

What can I say? Your efforts have been magnificent (occasionally), worrying (frequently) but entertaining (always). However, I cannot help feeling that the time has come to call an end to the hazardous, even life-threatening, practice of emulating me in what is essentially MY pose. You have been 'having a go' at this, individually and in groups, indoors and out, in fair weather and foul, at sea-level and atop peaks, at night and in daylight, and it has been fun - why, from time to time I personally have thrown caution to the winds and joined you - but now your efforts are tiring, they lack sparkle and lustre and, worse: we are seeing them less frequently.

As from Sunday evening therefore, just to give that last opportunity to those who want a final stab at doing a 'Hamish', the curtain must fall. The Show is closing folks! It has been running almost three years and it has been a great success (for me, at least - I am just waiting for a few late and overdue Royalty payments to come in. You know who you are so, c'mon, pay up!!).

And now >
> for the Good News...............

From Monday morning, you all have a new challenge, a new target to aim for, a new height to climb. Yes! It's the launch of the 'Hamish Mark II' Pose!

So it is "'out' with the old and 'in' with the new" time! Let's get those shutters clicking (or whatever digital shutters do). Let your inhibitions go. Let's be seeing your very best efforts - don't forget: this is how Stars are born - nobodies one day and household names the next!

What's that? Oh, yes! The Pose - the Hamish Mark II?

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, Guys 'n' Gals, here it is .............................
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......................................... The 'Hamish Mark II' :-

We are waiting........................