4th August 07, 08:30 AM
I'm not sure why anything needs to be done about it at all. The Caledonian Society, a Scottish organization, is holding an event, for which they are paying, and only allowing the people they invite to set up tents and compete in events. So what? There are other events and festivals during the year that will invite all comers. Go to one of them. Or start your own celtic society, and hold your own festival. I don't know why we in the US have come to expect that every single thing must be all inclusive.
4th August 07, 08:43 AM
 Originally Posted by ChromeScholar
I'm not sure why anything needs to be done about it at all. The Caledonian Society, a Scottish organization, is holding an event, for which they are paying, and only allowing the people they invite to set up tents and compete in events. So what? There are other events and festivals during the year that will invite all comers. Go to one of them. Or start your own celtic society, and hold your own festival. I don't know why we in the US have come to expect that every single thing must be all inclusive.
I'm pretty stingy about handing these out, but you earned this one -
4th August 07, 11:57 AM
because its a "Scottish event" but has no "Scottish" values
look up the word "sectarianism" and its exacly what this event is.
4th August 07, 12:15 PM
Let the courts decide, lets SUE.
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
4th August 07, 12:26 PM
because its a "Scottish event"
No, it's a Caledonian Club of SF event I doubt the great majority of those running the event are Scottish nationals.
look up the word "sectarianism" and its exacly what this event is.
That, IMO, is greatly overstating the situation. This is more akin to telling the SCA that they can't have a booth at a Shakespeare festival, or a gun show telling knife dealers that they can't set up.
Let the courts decide, lets SUE.
Being as this is America, I'm surprised that someone hasn't sued already.
4th August 07, 12:35 PM
 Originally Posted by ChattanCat
Let the courts decide, lets SUE.
Don't let's be silly.
 Originally Posted by ChromeScholar
No, it's a Caledonian Club of SF event I doubt the great majority of those running the event are Scottish nationals.
No doubt you're right. I think the offense comes from something the original poster has stated twice, and other people seem to be ignoring -- that his association has participated in this event for the last twenty-five years, and only this year was the decision made to exclude them. I don't even know that offense is the right word... disapointment might perhaps be a better one.
I think the issue here is that the original poster is feeling snubbed -- he and his organization are long-time participants in, and supporters of, this event. Now, without much notice, they're being told that they are no longer welcome, and their support unneccisary. Which does, indeed, seem rather rude to me.
This is more akin to telling the SCA that they can't have a booth at a Shakespeare festival, or a gun show telling knife dealers that they can't set up.
I've attended a great many gun shows, and there's almost always at least one knife dealer. I can't recall the SCA having booths at Shakespeare in the Park, but maybe I should suggest that to my local barony.
4th August 07, 12:37 PM
OK, so this one wasn't headed in a positive direction after all.
 Originally Posted by ChromeScholar
Being as this is America, I'm surprised that someone hasn't sued already.
And with that excellent observation, the subject is now closed.
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