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  1. #81
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    The Egg and the Saltire

    I've been following the discussion for the last few days and would like to share some thoughts for those who might be interested. Of course, if you don't want to read further, you can exit here.

    Many years ago I had the opportunity to attend a week long group seminar at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. For those who might not know, the Menninger Clinic is devoted to mental health understanding and care, at least at that time. They also shared their knowledge through these seminars.
    At the end of the week, each of us was given a marble egg. Each was the same size and shape, but the colors of the marble stone were different. Each was unique. The gift was that through the week we had come to know about the other seminar members. We were all human beings, but each of us was unique in our experiences and our outlooks on life. We gained new friends, and problably met some folks that we were glad to get away from!
    I've kept that egg and considered the lessons learned therefrom for over 30 years.

    What does the Egg have to do with the Saltire?

    From the posts it seems that some are most concerned about whether Jamie had the right to withdraw it and whether this reflects poorly on his character. Others believe it was his right to do so and stand up for him. Still others could care less.

    Another topic seems to be should we have a "new Saltire" or equivalent and if so how to choose what it should be. Some say aye and some say wait, don't rush ahead too soon.

    The parallel between the Egg and this subject seems to me that we all have come to this forum with some common interests, although not necessarily the same interests. But like any group, we don't all think alike (like the marbling of the Egg).

    The discussion so far also seems to be like the process of grieving (I'm sure Riverkilt could give some insght here on that subject, if he chose to)

    I think a discussion of the topics are healthy, as long as they are civil. It is sort of like Brainstorming with new ideas coming out of the presentation of others. I would hope that some consensus will be forthcoming and those who want to move forward with a new symbol will be allowed to do so while those who want to wait or not participate in that aspect of the forum will respect that decision.

    For myself, I'm content to be an egg in the carton of this forum and enjoy the X Marks the Scot comradship. I have my own opinions on these subjects, but I'll express them at a different time. This post was not intended to make value judgements on any one. But I think sometimes being aware of the process of human interaction is as productive and as interesting as the subject under discussion.



  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    I know that there has been discussion of there not being any sort of "official" representation of Xmarks at any given events like Highland Games.
    What about Harpenden last year? I suppose I just imagined all that planning and organising and sheer hard work.



  3. #83
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    Guys, it's really pretty simple. The saltire is a piece of wood, with some other bits and pieces glued on it, and painted in glossy colors. It's the work of a weekend to make another one, or whatever, and ship it wherever you all want it to go.

    Whatever you may or may not think about this issue, the saltire is at Panache's house. If he decides to not send it on, then there's nothing you can do about it. Like it or not...agree with it or not, that particular party is over. You can go on and on about whether Panache "owns" the saltire, or whether it "belongs" to X Marks, and all that is pointless. The thing is at Panache's house. You can't FORCE him to send it on....what are you going to do, fly out here and break into his house? Nobody at the next Nor Cal Burns night is going to steal it for you. So debate and expound until you go blue in the face, it's totally pointless.

    You all can debate the whole next year away about what else you all want to start shipping around the globe. Truth is, it will only happen when someone gets up the gumption to just MAKE SOMETHING, and find someone to send it to. So....

    who's going to talk, who's going to write long paragraphs on the internet, and who is going to get to work in the garage, or at the sewing machine, or wherever and MAKE IT HAPPEN?

    Once you ship it off, whoever you are that's going to make it, understand that you might, or you might not ever see it again.
    Last edited by Alan H; 24th January 11 at 01:22 PM.

  4. #84
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    Wise words, Alan.


  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Hay! View Post

    The parallel between the Egg and this subject seems to me that we all have come to this forum with some common interests, although not necessarily the same interests. But like any group, we don't all think alike (like the marbling of the Egg).

    The discussion so far also seems to be like the process of grieving (I'm sure Riverkilt could give some insght here on that subject, if he chose to)

    For myself, I'm content to be an egg in the carton of this forum and enjoy the X Marks the Scot comradship. I have my own opinions on these subjects, but I'll express them at a different time. This post was not intended to make value judgements on any one. But I think sometimes being aware of the process of human interaction is as productive and as interesting as the subject under discussion.


    Well said, Tom. You really are "a good egg"

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Hay! View Post
    I've been following the discussion for the last few days and would like to share some thoughts for those who might be interested. Of course, if you don't want to read further, you can exit here.

    Many years ago I had the opportunity to attend a week long group seminar at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. For those who might not know, the Menninger Clinic is devoted to mental health understanding and care, at least at that time. They also shared their knowledge through these seminars.
    At the end of the week, each of us was given a marble egg. Each was the same size and shape, but the colors of the marble stone were different. Each was unique. The gift was that through the week we had come to know about the other seminar members. We were all human beings, but each of us was unique in our experiences and our outlooks on life. We gained new friends, and problably met some folks that we were glad to get away from!
    I've kept that egg and considered the lessons learned therefrom for over 30 years.

    What does the Egg have to do with the Saltire?

    From the posts it seems that some are most concerned about whether Jamie had the right to withdraw it and whether this reflects poorly on his character. Others believe it was his right to do so and stand up for him. Still others could care less.

    Another topic seems to be should we have a "new Saltire" or equivalent and if so how to choose what it should be. Some say aye and some say wait, don't rush ahead too soon.

    The parallel between the Egg and this subject seems to me that we all have come to this forum with some common interests, although not necessarily the same interests. But like any group, we don't all think alike (like the marbling of the Egg).

    The discussion so far also seems to be like the process of grieving (I'm sure Riverkilt could give some insght here on that subject, if he chose to)

    I think a discussion of the topics are healthy, as long as they are civil. It is sort of like Brainstorming with new ideas coming out of the presentation of others. I would hope that some consensus will be forthcoming and those who want to move forward with a new symbol will be allowed to do so while those who want to wait or not participate in that aspect of the forum will respect that decision.

    For myself, I'm content to be an egg in the carton of this forum and enjoy the X Marks the Scot comradship. I have my own opinions on these subjects, but I'll express them at a different time. This post was not intended to make value judgements on any one. But I think sometimes being aware of the process of human interaction is as productive and as interesting as the subject under discussion.



    Not angry. Just trying to point out that this reminds me of a little kid that takes his soccer ball home because he didn't like losing a game. Basically ruining it for the rest of the kids until they find another ball. Seems a little selfish. Really isn't a big deal, and didn't mean to make it one. Let's figure out what the new "ball" should be, and move on. I know there are already other posts discussing this now. Enough said.


    Take a timeout...go hug your kids/grandkids/mother/grandmother/a friend whos sick...then come back and see it means very much in the grand scheme of things. Thought so

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    What about Harpenden last year? I suppose I just imagined all that planning and organising and sheer hard work.


    Wasn't there, so I wasn't aware of your efforts...what I was thinking of was a thread(s) a while back where it was suggested that there be some kind of Xmarks banner or whatever as a rallying point for Xmarksers and wherein it was dismissed by the (previous) administration for various reasons...reasonable reasons, to be sure, such as "if we're gonna do that, won't we be considered a clan and have to rent space at these games just like all the other clans" and the fact that, as I remember it, the previous forum owner actually owned/had copyrighted the term "Xmarksthescot". Any of the other old timers, please feel free to correct me if I'm way off on this history but it's really kind of immaterial at this point anyway...

    Anyway, since I unknowingly started a parallel thread, please let me redirect the conversation here:




  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdown View Post

    Not angry. Just trying to point out that this reminds me of a little kid that takes his soccer ball home because he didn't like losing a game. Basically ruining it for the rest of the kids until they find another ball. :
    Why do you think Panache "lost" a game? I think he has shown more poise and honour than many. He has held his head up high.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post
    Why do you think Panache "lost" a game? I think he has shown more poise and honour than many. He has held his head up high.
    Sandy, Piperdown was commenting in the negative on the "lost game- taking ball home" comment. I think you missed his dancing 'crap' signs below his quote
    Quote Originally Posted by piperdown View Post

    I did too, at first.

    P/D said
    Take a timeout...go hug your kids/grandkids/mother/grandmother/a friend whos sick...then come back and see it means very much in the grand scheme of things. Thought so

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    Sandy, Piperdown was commenting in the negative on the "lost game- taking ball home" comment. I think you missed his dancing 'crap' signs below his quote

    I did too, at first.

    P/D said
    Thanks for clarifiying my mistake....I still have troubles navigating.

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