I have made some initial requests for quotes on tartan weaving. I have enquired about D.C. Dagliesh and Martin Mills.

D.C. Dagliesh does not work with private individuals and refers people to clan.com. I assume any business that has a relationship with D.C. Dagliesh could do this. I asked a CLAN representative about cost, whether or not custom dyeing is an option, and if I could buy samples of their stock threads. I was told that being supplied stock threads was not an option, and I can imagine scenarios where colors change subtly based on seasonal availability or cost of yarn production.

I was a little disappointed by this process, but I can see several scenarios regarding why the mill would prefer to not talk to those who are not familiar with the business. I am sure it takes time to educate individuals, and passing that burden onto middlemen who do kiltmaking means the kiltmaker may convert the person who made the request for information into a customer, or at the least make a small commission or charge a fee for the work of ordering fabric the way the mill would like. I assume a business with a relationship with D.C. Dagliesh might be able to get sample yarns from the mill based on the relationship they have, whereas I might not.

I did not see any statement on the Martin Mills website that they do not take orders from private individuals, and I made an enquiry. The first response for any request for information seems to be, "Are you a business or an individual." This is from a sample size of 2 responses out of 2 requests. I have yet to hear back after stating that I am not a business.

In my requests, I ask for the minimum order and cost per meter or yard for double-width 16oz wool tartan that is custom woven, and if custom dyeing is an option, what are the additional costs associated with that.

So, with the state of the industry as it is, how do you go about contracting tartan weaving as a non-business entity?

I would love to get to know what each mill has to offer, and to find out what each mill charges for these services, and I would like to come off as respectful and not demanding. I understand that many individuals have developed professional relationships with mills, so a non-professional being able to make such requests and place orders for themselves means that kiltmakers and shops don't get the chance to convert sales from those non-professionals.

How do you all view the quest for contracting tartan weaving as a private individual?

Thanks for your thoughts!