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    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Which tartan to wear?

    I've now gotten myself into a little protocol situation. First the bacckground is that I am a member of Clan MacKay and would usually wear the MacKay tartan. As a Scout Wood Badge holder I am also an associate member of Clan MacLaren and I have been invited to the Clan MacLaren St Andrew's dinner in 3 weeks time. I do not have a MacLaren tartan kilt!

    I said to my daughter that I need another kilt. She said I don't need any more kilts. I said it would be rude to arrive at a MacLaren function wearing a MacKay kilt. I know the Scottish tradition is one tartan and stick with it, but the American tradition appears to be the more tartans the merrier

    So, do I go the merrier route and get another kilt in the appropriate tartan, risking the scorn of fellow countrymen who might think I have moe money than sense. Or do I appear rude and turn up in a different tartan?

    I actually know what I'm probably going to do but your thoughts, as always, will be most welcome

  2. #2
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    I doubt showing up in your personal tartan would be taken poorly by anyone. I'm sure you'd make an impression arriving in a MacLaren kilt, but it also might be taken as...showing off? Dunno. You hit it with the "more money than sense" comment I think. Also, the MacLarens undoubtedly know you're not their clansmen, so why would they take issue with your clan tartan?

    Whatever you decide, I hope the dinner is smashing!
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  3. #3
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Wear the MacKay tartan.

  4. #4
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Stick with your own tartan, man! You are a Scot in Scotland, follow Scots traditions, what on earth are you thinking of!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    I know the Scottish tradition is one tartan and stick with it, but the American tradition appears to be the more tartans the merrier
    That actually made me laugh out loud. I want to savor this moment: someone who is from Scotland wants to do something the American way about Scottish clothing. Probably the first and only time I will ever read this. hahaha

    Think of it this way: When will you ever wear a MacLaren kilt ever again?

  6. #6
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    You love your daughter, but you will get the kilt.

    MacKay and Clergy are both three colour setts no matter the scheme, so very basic patterns. MacLean is a more complex and beautiful design, but very bold wit the red field.

    MacLaren Modern would take a unique place in your kilt line-up.

    Good choice!

  7. #7
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by MeghanWalker View Post
    That actually made me laugh out loud. I want to savor this moment: someone who is from Scotland wants to do something the American way about Scottish clothing. Probably the first and only time I will ever read this. hahaha

    Think of it this way: When will you ever wear a MacLaren kilt ever again?
    I suspect you will find some in Scotland who like the more relaxed American way. Another kiltmaker local to me surprised me a few months ago when he said he wears a different tartan kilt every day. There is also a precedent for this kind of thing as Jock explained in another thread because the MacLaren tartan is closely associated with Scouting and there is a sense that we are part of that clan in the same way I might wish to wear the Royal Air Force tartan or a US Marine the Leatherneck tartan or a piper the pipe band tartan. There will also be lots of other MacLaren events in coming years too

    The reactions so far are very interesting though

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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Stick with your own tartan, man! You are a Scot in Scotland, follow Scots traditions, what on earth are you thinking of!

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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    I am a Maclaren and if someone turned up at a MacLaren hosted event in another clans tartan, they would be welcomed just like any other person.
    You are going to a St Andrews dinner, not the MacLaren AGM. I would take a guess that you will not be the only attendee in a different tartan.

    Now if you want to use your attendance as an excuse to get a MacLaren tartan kilt, that's a different matter. I say go for it As for colour scheme I would go for ancient or weathered MacLaren

    Have a good night whatever you decide.
    Last edited by Downunder Kilt; 31st October 11 at 02:22 PM.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    I suspect you will find some in Scotland who like the more relaxed American way. Another kiltmaker local to me surprised me a few months ago when he said he wears a different tartan kilt every day. There is also a precedent for this kind of thing as Jock explained in another thread because the MacLaren tartan is closely associated with Scouting and there is a sense that we are part of that clan in the same way I might wish to wear the Royal Air Force tartan or a US Marine the Leatherneck tartan or a piper the pipe band tartan. There will also be lots of other MacLaren events in coming years too

    The reactions so far are very interesting though
    Well indeed you do raise an interesting point and not being a scout I had not considered them! Hummmm. A pipe band tartan other than your own? OK. Same with your Unit tartan? OK. Scout tartan(MacLaren)? Well I have noted over a lot of time that scouts up here wear their own tartans and for myself I think that is sound. I do wonder if the Clan MacLaren option is really for those with no tartan to their name and should, perhaps, not just to be used as an excuse to have another tartan? I really have no idea, but I doubt that you will cause an upset should you decide to go down the MacLaren route.

    Now, shall we pursue the more money than sense angle?
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 31st October 11 at 02:11 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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