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  1. #1
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    Prince Charlie tie

    I recently purchased a bottle green Prince Charlie set. I have been unable to find a matching bow tie to wear and so currently am wearing a gold rouche tie with it. I am not overly pleased with the way that tie looks with the 3 button PC vest. It looks much better with an argyle vest.
    I have found a site on the web that can supply me with a bow tie to match my kilt. Would that be an appropriate tie for a formal occasion? My kilt is predominently green as seen in my avatar.

  2. #2
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    I'd encourage you to get a black tie-it-yourself bow tie to wear with the PC, and leave other colors for a four-in-hand tie to wear with the Argyll.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  3. #3
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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    To coin a famous phrase , "you can have any colour you like, as long as its black". Bow ties, as you know, can come in many colours, but you will find that black will serve you best for formal events.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  4. #4
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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    interesting. So you think a black bow tie looks good with a green PC? I never considered that as I thought it appropriate only with a black PC.

  5. #5
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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    Black bow ties will go with any coloured formal jacket that I can think of.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sailortats View Post
    interesting. So you think a black bow tie looks good with a green PC? I never considered that as I thought it appropriate only with a black PC.
    In general, the style of the jacket, not its color, determines which ties look best. Think of the PC as an American tuxedo jacket, such as high school boys wear to the prom or older boys get married in.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  7. #7
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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    There are some great suppliers of bow ties available on the net... I would encourage you to look at some -- eBay is always a great source for them. I've bought many that way. With the amazing variety out there, I'm certain that you'll find one (or many) to match your outfit perfectly.

    In recent years, especially this year's St. Andrew's ball, I've eschewed black bow ties completely because I've grown to associate them with these cheap, pre-tied things that are essentially handed out at each and every formalwear hire shop in town.

    Lol. I suppose that just as many of the rabble get their hackles up over white hose for that very reason, I've developed a bit of a dislike for black bow ties.

  8. #8
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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    Quote Originally Posted by sailortats View Post
    interesting. So you think a black bow tie looks good with a green PC? I never considered that as I thought it appropriate only with a black PC.
    I also have a bottle (rifle) green PC and vest, but I have always worn a self-tie black bow tie with it. My PC also has plain cloth lapels because the silk grosgrain facings on offer by that kilt-maker are black which I personally dislike on a colored PC. Some other tailors do silk grosgrain lapel facings in the matching color of the jacket which looks good, although still no reason to deviate from wearing a black bow-tie when so attired. I see no reason for formal evening dress kilt jackets and doublets (PC's, Regulation doublets, Montrose/Kenmore/Sheriffmuir styles) to be confined to black.

  9. #9
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    I would agree with those who say a black bow tie would be perfectly suitable with any color Prince Charlie jacket. In fact, I'd go so far as to say a green bow tie to match your jacket may be a bit too much. I think black would be great.

    I like tartan bow ties, but I don't see them as suitable for formal wear as the classic black.

  10. #10
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    Re: Prince Charlie tie

    I can only echo what others have said: get a black bow tie-- and one you tie yourself.

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