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  1. #1
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    I need to between 2 sweet tartans

    Hi friends, I'm going to get a sport kilt in either Gordon, or MacKay. Why either one? As it turns out my Grandmother on my Dad's side is a descendant to both. They both look very nice. I couldn't help but to notice how the MacKay modern looks very similar to Black Watch. And Gordon contrasts it's predominate dark tones with the yellow bands in such a nice complementary way. So, how do most people solve a dilemma such as this? As far a function, I was going to wear at Halloween, Texas Ren Fair, mud race, and if I can find a few people in Huntsville, Conroe, The Woodlands, or even North Houston to have a kilt night at a pub, I would use it for that as well.

  2. #2
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    I would say you've answered your own inquiry. BOTH, one for mudding, one for pubbing. Just flip a coin or really fret over "stripe or sett, box or knife pleat." The letter G does come before the M in the alphabet if that helps. Sounds like fun either way.

  3. #3
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    And to be honest, I probably will get one of both. Eventually. I don't know how long that will take. Months or years. But for now I need to get one, and I was curious how others go about deciding when at a cross roads.

  4. #4
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    If I may suggest, your dilemma is not much different than trying to decide muted, weathered, modern.... of only one tartan (though all of those decisions over two choices might be even more difficult). For me, the choice within the one tartan boiled down to which more suited my taste in colours and tones. Simply, one appealed to me more than the others.

  5. #5
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    Corbmonster, since Mackay and Gordon are both derivatives of Black Watch they are much of a muchness. But go ahead – get one of each!
    Or look at something of entirely different colouring and significance.
    Bear in mind also that most tartans are made in at least two or more different colour sets (have a look at the variety offered on Scotweb, for example), and you can pick and choose between them.
    But make the most of it whichever way you do it.
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

  6. #6
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    I would say if you can, go for quality over quantity. You won't ever go far wrong with a high yardage heavy wool kilt. I only have three kilts but my casual one doesn't get much use as compared to the other two, full-yardage ones.

  7. #7
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    My first kilt was Modern Gordon, but in recent years I have supplemented this with Ancient Gordon (my favourite) and Muted (most complimented) and there are red and blue ones too, not to mention Dress Gordon. I'm sure MacKay has a range too.

    A dilemma but I guess you'll have to choose the one you like best, on the basis that it may be your only kilt for a while.
    I agree about a getting a good quality 8 yard wool kilt. An investment.
    Last edited by John_Carrick; 8th October 14 at 02:04 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by corbmonster View Post
    But for now I need to get one, and I was curious how others go about deciding when at a cross roads.
    Some people get the kilt that bears the closest connection through paternal lineage which makes the decision easier as there is no need to think about how the kilt looks. If I were to do that then I would have to shell out for a bespoke kilt as my surname isn't one of the popular tartans. So, I've become a tartan tart which means I choose on looks only and I choose often! I would go for the Gordon as it looks good and has all the heroic history.

    If I ever bought a sportkilt thingy I would lose that company logo thing sharpish!

    I do think an 8 yard heavyweight wool kilt is a great investment (I've got three of them - all ex hire 99 UK pounds each) but I do find myself wearing my PV kilts (49 UK pounds each) more often. Nobody can see the difference until I show examples of each side by side. It's the just-bung-it-in-the-washing-machine convenience that swings it for me. I choose a wool kilt for the big occasions.
    Last edited by bwat; 8th October 14 at 03:09 AM.

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  10. #9
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    My girlfriend said she liked Gordon. So, decision made
    Eadie of House of Gordon
    McGhee of House of MacKay
    Turner of House of Lamont


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