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  1. #1
    Panache's Avatar
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    Introducing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

    First Witch : When shall we three meet again. In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

    Second Witch : When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost and won.

    Third Witch: That will be ere the set of sun.

    First Witch : Where the place?

    Second Witch : Upon the heath.

    Third Witch: There to meet with Macbeth.

    Every year my lovely Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess and I look forward to Halloween. This year we decided our costumes far in advance. Our combined birthday and anniversary gifts to each other came from Ravenswood Leather and we ordered them at the Pleasanton Games.

    Ladies and Gentlemen of XMTS, may I introduce to you Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

    LADY MACBETH : But screw your courage to the sticking-place,
    And we'll not fail.

    MACBETH : Is this a dagger which I see before me,
    The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
    I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
    Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
    To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
    A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
    Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
    I see thee yet, in form as palpable
    As this which now I draw.

    LADY MACBETH : Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal;
    For it must seem their guilt.

    LADY MACBETH : The raven himself is hoarse
    That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
    Under my battlements. Come, you spirits
    That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
    And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
    Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;
    Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
    That no compunctious visitings of nature
    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
    The effect and it!

    LADY MACBETH : Out, damned spot! out, I say!--One: two: why,
    then, 'tis time to do't.--Hell is murky!--Fie, my
    lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we
    fear who knows it, when none can call our power to
    account?--Yet who would have thought the old man
    to have had so much blood in him.

    To be continued...
    Last edited by Panache; 19th October 09 at 05:50 AM. Reason: Duplicate picture
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  2. #2
    TheSp8's Avatar
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    I'm liking that Celtic cross with the skull in the middle. I'd probably have that out all year. Nothing like a tribute to the Bard.

    "Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready." Teddy Roosevelt

    If you are fearful, never learn any art of fighting" Master Liechtenauer, c.1389

  3. #3
    Panache's Avatar
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    MACBETH : I go, and it is done; the bell invites me.
    Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell
    That summons thee to heaven or to hell.

    First Witch : All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!

    Second Witch : All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!

    Third Witch : All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!

    Second Apparition : Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn
    The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth

    Third Apparition : Be lion-mettled, proud; and take no care
    Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are:
    Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until
    Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill
    Shall come against him.

    MACBETH : To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
    To the last syllable of recorded time,
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more: it is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

    MACBETH : I will not yield,
    To kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet,
    And to be baited with the rabble's curse.
    Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane,
    And thou opposed, being of no woman born,
    Yet I will try the last. Before my body
    I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff,
    And damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!'

    And to finish let me quote the wonderful Reduced Shakespeare Company's summation of "The Scottish Play"

    That never was there a story of blood and death
    Than this, O' Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth

    Last edited by Panache; 19th October 09 at 08:51 AM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  4. #4
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    The Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess' leather dress and my leather doublet were made by Ravenswood Leather


    She choose the Saberist Dress


    And I choose the Ulster Ionar jerkin


    We were both very pleased at the quality and service we recieved from Ravenswood Leather and recommend them

    Our thanks to the lovely Larkin of Ravenswood Leather who assisted both of us at the Pleasanton Highland Games


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  5. #5
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    You two just have far too much fun at Halloween, you both look great. Very well put together, just one thing, was Star ever able to get that damned spot out?

  6. #6
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    Thumbs up

    You guys look fantastic! Ravenswood really does some really great work, just about everyone I know in the faire community has some of their stuff.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

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    Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this noble son of................California????
    By Choice, not by Birth

  8. #8
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    Bravo,...Bravo.... You two look great.

    I toast your ingenuity and sense of style.
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

  9. #9
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    Excellent, jamie !

  10. #10
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    Very impressive.

    Bravo !

    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

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