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Belts, a question.
Just a quick ? about Kilt Belts: are they pivotal to the ensemble? or is it cool to rock the kilt + sporran with no belt?
I happen to personally like the wide kilts belts. I notice though that among the Scottish County dancers I have seen here in the Bay area, most don't bother with the belt. They all look great. A good fitting kilt really doesn't require one. If belts aren't your thing and the kilt hangs right without one I say skip it and you will still look sharp.
Do what you want.
I usually wear a thin black belt that I've had lying around from before I even got into kilts.
I find that a belt of some kind is a nice decoration, but going beltless is no sin. Your outfit will still be authentic, comfortable, and handsome.
I rarely wear a belt, it is not needed, there are even times not to wear one at all, as Panache says if the kilt fits properly there is no reason for it.
Just my opinion, I think the kilt is incomplete without the belt.
I think a wide belt gives a final touch to the kilt. Although the belt is a fairly recent addition more for fashion than necessity. I say wear one except when you're wearing a waistcoat (vest).
I like the look of the belt (unless vested) with a kilt. Especially in the summer when wearing a shirt only. I generally wear a brown belt with a brass buckle unless I am getting dressed pretty up. For summers, it's a khaki shirt, brown belt and sporran. Besides, it's a good place to hang a flask, cell phone, or six shooter. (Just kidding about the gun!)
At to necessity, even sporrans aren't actually required. (There is the matter of where to put your stuff, but we're talking style here.) If you research old pictures of the regiments, you'll notice that many ORs didn't wear sporrans in WW I or there about.
Originally Posted by Rusty
I think a wide belt gives a final touch to the kilt. . . . I say wear one except when you're wearing a waistcoat (vest).
For those of us who have a rump deficiency and a cantilevered protrusion in front, a belt seem to be some extra insurance.
Now can someone explain why no belt with a vest? Is this just a fashion statement? Do you put buttons on the inside of the vest if your design say a belt is needed to help hold up your kilt?
And the fist person who says tradition has to explain the x-kilt/Sport Kilt/Freedom Kilt vs the TRADATIONAL 9-yard kilt, the 9-yard vs the older box pleated vs the great kilt.
I rarely wear a belt unless I'm dressing up.