With all we've had going on in our lives right now, our attendance was obviously not an option. However, please carry my best wishes to everyone at the gathering and may you all have a memorable and wonderful time.
Wait! I'm not ready!
I got a new idea yesterday for a kilt for the fashion show and spent last night until about 3AM making most of it on our ancient Singer sewing machine.
I've still got lots of the fashion show kilts to make, as well as keeping up with the orders as best I can.
There's a couple of kilts that are quite unique ideas but still might sell well.
Whoops! Gotta get ready to pick up Ham 'n Dave.
Sounds like a blues group, except they only played delis.
My hotel reservation has gone thru.
I'm right around the corner from Bear's shop.
If the kilt night gets too much I can always crawl back to the hotel.
I'll see you guys at the dinner at Moxie's.
Steve Ashton www.freedomkilts.com Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.