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  1. #1
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    Wedding questions

    I have some wedding related kilt questions and after poking around a bit I haven't found quite what I'm looking for (though I have found some other useful information).
    My brother and I are Irish-American and have long said that when each of us marries, we'd wear kilts. Now that my brother is engaged, with me his best man, we're dealing with some of the questions that are coming up.
    First, the Irish tartans (granted a modern invention but until someone uncovers the O'Dinan's work it's all we have) are associated with County. Our family, Dillon, is typically affiliated with Meath. However, the furthest back we can trace our family (on the maternal and paternal sides) is all in county Cork. Should we go with the historical Meath connection or the genealogical Cork roots? Personally I'm inclined to the Cork connection since I KNOW we have ties there. We've also discussed using the Irish National or Irish Diaspora. Any thoughts?
    Second, my brother has three other groomsmen, one who is another Dillon, the other two who are friends but still want to participate in kilts. Should they be wearing the same tartan or is there perhaps something else we should have them wear? Ultimately it's my brother's wedding so we'll go with whatever he (or more likely his bride-to-be) chooses, but I'm curious what others have done in similar situations.

  2. #2
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    When my twin brother married 6 years ago, he wore the family tartan, Graham of Mantieth. I was the best man, and there were of course groomsmen as well, we wore the tartan that the local shop had to rent out, it was close to the same tartan as my brothers but not exact, we all rented the rest of the outfit, the PC jacket and waistcoat, sealskin sporran, sgian dubh etc. The only things we needed to buy were the hose and tuxedo shirt. I think the best thing to do would be to go to the local tartan shop and see what they can do for you, as far as what tartan to wear, I would say whichever one your brother likes more.

    Here is a photo of the family at my brothers wedding, I think the mix of tartans works well, it helped to determine who was who.

  3. #3
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    Would it work to coordinate the usher's tartans with the Bridesmaid's dresses? I am by no means a decoratoor of a wedding planner, but the idea just hit me.

  4. #4
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by brendillon View Post
    I have some wedding related kilt questions and after poking around a bit I haven't found quite what I'm looking for (though I have found some other useful information).
    My brother and I are Irish-American and have long said that when each of us marries, we'd wear kilts. Now that my brother is engaged, with me his best man, we're dealing with some of the questions that are coming up.
    First, the Irish tartans (granted a modern invention but until someone uncovers the O'Dinan's work it's all we have) are associated with County. Our family, Dillon, is typically affiliated with Meath. However, the furthest back we can trace our family (on the maternal and paternal sides) is all in county Cork. Should we go with the historical Meath connection or the genealogical Cork roots? Personally I'm inclined to the Cork connection since I KNOW we have ties there. We've also discussed using the Irish National or Irish Diaspora. Any thoughts?
    Second, my brother has three other groomsmen, one who is another Dillon, the other two who are friends but still want to participate in kilts. Should they be wearing the same tartan or is there perhaps something else we should have them wear? Ultimately it's my brother's wedding so we'll go with whatever he (or more likely his bride-to-be) chooses, but I'm curious what others have done in similar situations.

    Given the fact that you have the family line traced to Cork, I would go with the Co. Cork tartan. And, since it is a "fashion" tartan, there is no reason why the groosmen couldn't wear it as well.



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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Given the fact that you have the family line traced to Cork, I would go with the Co. Cork tartan. And, since it is a "fashion" tartan, there is no reason why the groosmen couldn't wear it as well.


    I agree completely. And as far as the groomsmen, you could always rent a generic for them, unless they're wanting to buy kilts in which case it would be nice if they wore tartans of some association with them, though not at all a requirement.

  6. #6
    Have you considered the Irish American tartan? See here: http://scottishkilts.net/products/5_...wool_kilt.html

  7. #7
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    McMurdo raises a good point about seeing what's available from the local rental shop. IMHO it's equally acceptable to go with a tartan to which you have a blood connection or one that you think is pretty. I'd also ask my bride-to-be what she thinks!

  8. #8
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    P1M's wedding photo is great:

    Don't be scared of mixing tartans. The more the merrier!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    P1M's wedding photo is great:

    Don't be scared of mixing tartans. The more the merrier!
    That is a great shot. A good test, "if you can name all these tartans and accessories you can be Matt's new assistant curator"

    My .2 Cents is go with the Co. Cork as you can prove that connection with the unrelated members of the wedding party in something "generic" from the rental shop [eg Black Watch or Irish Nation] that would compliment the County Tartan.

  10. #10
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I didn't have the luxury of being married in the kilt, but we have re-newed our vows a couple of times and I have been kilted, and I also have participated in several kilted weddings. In my (ever so humble) opinion, I always like the wedding parties where everyone wears the tartan of their choice. I like the variety.

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