Looking for a recording of the Star Spangled Banner on pipes.
Does this exist? My google-fu is weak today.
I'm sure it exists. A better question would be "is it possibly any good." I think that the tune is probably out of the bagpipe range on the high notes, and would have to be fudged.
I don't have any music for it, though. Yankee Doodle, Grand Old Flag, Pack Up Your Troubles, all the service tunes, and lots of others, but not that one.
"To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning, and seven generations before. At the end of his seven years one born to it will stand at the start of knowledge, and leaning a fond ear to the drone he may have parley with old folks of old affairs." - Neil Munro
Look ..here.. Third one down.
i've seen songs on bagpipes that i didn't think could be done. crazy train by ozzy, we will rock by queen.
Gillmore of Clan Morrison
"Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
Doesn't/can't exist on the GHB. The Star Spangled Banner is beyond the range of the Great Highland Bagpipes.
Only nine notes on the pipe chanter. That's one octave plus a lower attached note.
In the ancient development of the pipes, to blend with the drones' harmonics, not all melody notes were suitable. Some worked well, others with moderate success, and inclusion of other notes wasn't even debatable because they refused to harmonize with the drones. As a result the whole concept of sharps and flats is entirely unknown in bagpipe music. This also explains why pipers are often unable to play so many popular tunes. The total absence of certain notes, critical in Western music (classical, jazz, rock, etc) makes most of it impractical, if not impossible.
There could be a recording created on a synthesizer, but that wouldn't be on the pipes.
Wish it did fit - lotsa veterans' groups would sure love it.
Slainte yall,
Last edited by JS Sanders; 1st July 08 at 07:40 PM.
Originally Posted by JS Sanders
Doesn't/can't exist on the GHB. The Star Spangled Banner is beyond the range of the Great Highland Bagpipes.
Only nine notes on the pipe chanter. That's one octave plus a lower attached note.
In the ancient development of the pipes, to blend with the drones' harmonics, not all melody notes were suitable. Some worked well, others with moderate success, and inclusion of other notes wasn't even debatable because they refused to harmonize with the drones. As a result the whole concept of sharps and flats is entirely unknown in bagpipe music. This also explains why pipers are often unable to play so many popular tunes. The total absence of certain notes, critical in Western music (classical, jazz, rock, etc) makes most of it impractical, if not impossible.
There could be a recording created on a synthesizer, but that wouldn't be on the pipes.
Wish it did fit - lotsa veterans' groups would sure love it.
Slainte yall,
Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had come up with a setting, but it probably would be barely recognizable.
It's like 'Danny Boy'. Everyone wants to hear it, but the bagpipes can't really play it. Sure, people have set it for the pipes, but it turns a tune that normally makes me only slightly ill into one that makes me slightly homicidal.
"To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning, and seven generations before. At the end of his seven years one born to it will stand at the start of knowledge, and leaning a fond ear to the drone he may have parley with old folks of old affairs." - Neil Munro
I have seen a CD of Patriotic pipe music!!!! No idea who it was. I tried different googles, but no luck so far.
Thanks, Jay, for the link.
Thanks all for the info. Buddy of mine is looking for it and I knew to look here, first.
2nd July 08, 02:57 PM
The CD with The Star Spangled Banner has recordings from a chorus, band, and pipeband.
Their rendition of TSSB will be predominantly or exclusively by a military band & chorus. I haven't heard this CD, so cannot be certain exactly how they went about it.
It's possible to include pipes hither, dither, & yonder within the arrangement, but the pipes won't be carrying the melody.
If TSSB could be performed on the Great Highland Bagpipes, you'd be hearing it in Massed Bands at each and every highland games held within the borders of the United States.
Slainte yall,
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