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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    outside Rochester, NY
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    It pays to wear the kilt - part 2

    So I went to a Whiskey Tasting event on Tuesday evening and as usual when I out these days I went kilted. The event for Glenlivit and they had a gentleman in from the Distillery (Ricci Crawford) in who was fully kilted as well (although he looked much better than I as he was in full formal attire). I was wearing my Ferguson Sportkilt and my new tweed waist coat from target. No pictures though as I left my camera home.

    Anyway, the whole point of the post was this....
    The Manager of the store hosting the tasting asked at the beginning of the event asked if anyone was kilted so I raised my hand, being the only one besides the Glenlivit rep she gave me several sleeves of golf balls.

    Just goes to show sometimes just being kilted has some additional perks.

  2. #2
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Sounds like showing up to a venue and being the only one kilted, you didn't need any more of those.

    But a gift is a gift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I have received many a freebie by being Kilted. Ranging from free food to free drinks, all the way to knick knacks. It is wonderful.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Some days it pays to be more lucky than good although in this case you were both.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Jeeper View Post
    So I went to a Whiskey Tasting event on Tuesday evening and as usual when I out these days I went kilted. The event for Glenlivit and they had a gentleman in from the Distillery (Ricci Crawford) in who was fully kilted as well (although he looked much better than I as he was in full formal attire). I was wearing my Ferguson Sportkilt and my new tweed waist coat from target. No pictures though as I left my camera home.

    Anyway, the whole point of the post was this....
    The Manager of the store hosting the tasting asked at the beginning of the event asked if anyone was kilted so I raised my hand, being the only one besides the Glenlivit rep she gave me several sleeves of golf balls.

    Just goes to show sometimes just being kilted has some additional perks.

    So was it the kilt or the fact that you probably showed up at the event in a kilt AND a Jeep? The ladies love a man in a Jeep too....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    So was it the kilt or the fact that you probably showed up at the event in a kilt AND a Jeep? The ladies love a man in a Jeep too....

    This is true unfortunatly my Jeep is off the road waiting for me to have the time and money to give it the attention it really needs...she does have 211K miles so I figure some new paint and some new shoes are in order (as well as the several boxes of parts on the shelves in the garage).

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