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  1. #1
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    Question Building a Tactical Kilt outfit

    Just a thought. As I have been in Law Enforcement for all of my adult life (I started in private security when I was 18) tactical clothing (BDUs, military boots and assorted leather/nylon goods have always been another interest of mine. I had a strange thought the other night. I was looking at Non-trad kilts and was struck...a tactical kilt outfit. Here's my thought, a plain black kilt such as those offered at UK, Kiltthis or Amerikilt (Something with cargo pockets),

    nylon sporran from SWK,

    a 2" black nylon duty belt (offered at any law enforcement supply company),

    and black combat boots.

    As accessories I was thinking a law enforcement related patch sewn in place of a kilt pin, black or dark blue hose.

    I also don't think I like the idea of flashes for this particular outfit.

    I am interested in reactions, comments, or concerns. I will try to post pictures as the outfit comes together...if it does.

    Thank you for your time,
    Last edited by ABG0819; 2nd March 10 at 01:19 PM.
    "Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)

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  2. #2
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    Sounds good, but for most of us the glowing white legs sticking out between the bottom of the kilt and top of the hose would give away our position and ruin any tactical advantage.
    "You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." -Obi Wan Kenobi

  3. #3
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    When I think 'tactical' garb, I'm thinking padded clothing, cargo pockets, flak jacket, magazine pockets, kneepads, shin guards, puncture proof boots, gas mask, gun belt, holster, flashlight, canteen, radio, helmet and face guard, and about rolling around in dirt, on hot tar roofs, broken glass, nails, scrap metal, mud, snow, slush, and general filth. And possibly about wearing an adult diaper for a day or so. So clearly we're not thinking the same thing! But I like the look!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    When I think 'tactical' garb, I'm thinking padded clothing, cargo pockets, flak jacket, magazine pockets, kneepads, shin guards, puncture proof boots, gas mask, gun belt, holster, flashlight, canteen, radio, helmet and face guard, and about rolling around in dirt, on hot tar roofs, broken glass, nails, scrap metal, mud, snow, slush, and general filth. And possibly about wearing an adult diaper for a day or so. So clearly we're not thinking the same thing! But I like the look!
    I agree that you can't have much fun in the outfit I'm describing. I was thinking more for day wear than actual work environment (I don't want to go chasing a convict through the woods in a kilt.) but it could be fun look for a day at the range or a conference type atmosphere.
    "Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)

    It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABG0819 View Post
    I agree that you can't have much fun in the outfit I'm describing. I was thinking more for day wear than actual work environment (I don't want to go chasing a convict through the woods in a kilt.) but it could be fun look for a day at the range or a conference type atmosphere.
    Got you, it would be a great look for that! And if you wear it for paintball be sure and wear as large a sporran as possible and velco that in place as well, lol!

  6. #6
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    Grant (ccga3359) had a tactical kilt made for paintball with molle attachements. You might want to PM him for more information.


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    Quote Originally Posted by BEEDEE View Post
    Grant (ccga3359) had a tactical kilt made for paintball with molle attachements. You might want to PM him for more information.

    Thanks Brian, here's a link. What you've descibed thus far isn't much more than your typical Clan Destine garb - black everything! A tactical kilt is a great idea, above is my rendition of it. I've been facinated with this type of clothing when I realized that the upper pockets of our Canadian Forces combat jacket are angled inward to make easier retrieval of magazine clips. This clothing has been designed to be tough, useful and adaptable.

    I feel your best bet is to design and build (have built) a custom kilt rather than just adding combat/LE type accesories. MOLLE/PALS is a wonderful addition to a kilt to the point that I want to upgrade my paintball kilt to have MOLLE straps all around and not just the front for my dump pouch sporran. Having the sporran attached this way prevents it from slapping against my groinal region as I running full bore throught the forest toward (away) from my objective. It is crushable when I'm lying prone in wait (cowering in fear) for my next TANGO. MOLLE is easy to build in and I think should be quite easy to retrofit an existing kilt. I've even had a drop leg paintball pistol holder in my kilt, strapped to my thigh through a slit hidden in a pleat.

    Take a look also toward BDU jackets for their pocket design and such. It'll show an abundant use of velcro to attach insignia and such. On my paintball gear I make great use of these with a subdued Union flag, blood type paatch and S.S.D.D (Same Crap, Different Day) type of patches, or in my case a BTDT-GTTS patch. The suggestion of a velcro patch for a kilt "pin" patch is a great idea and follows this idea.

    Have fun with it, I know I did. I've received very positive comments from opponents and strangers on the paintball field. Mind you none of my guys will follow me up a hill on a windy day...

    A couple of links:
    www.opsgear.com for MOLLE pouches and tactical gear.

    www.rockywoods.com for camouflage material, nylon straps and buckles.

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    When sewing on the patch put a large metal washer between the back of patch and face of kilt. A weighted patch to replace the weight of the pin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gozzard View Post
    When sewing on the patch put a large metal washer between the back of patch and face of kilt. A weighted patch to replace the weight of the pin.
    I've also seen pieces of velcro sewn on the kilt so that the patches can be removed and replaced with others as applicable.
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  10. #10
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    See this fellow's work -- he's very into the tactical, MOLLE package.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

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