15th March 04, 08:54 PM
building a kilt
i can build engines, build cabinetry, build networks and have built a great desire for Guinness.
i haven't built a kilt. i've know some of the good folks here make kilts, have seen a pattern or two on the net and was wondering, "what do you use for a pattern to create a kilt?"
i saw this the other day at wally-world, and graham, no, not wallabee's .....
.....plug in " 8913 " in the search field.
it looks kinda hokey from here. has anyone used the Simplicity Kilt pattern before, and if so, were you satisfied?
i really want to build my own kilt and i'm man enough to say, "i ain't never put needle to thread and i'm sure as certain, not above doing it" 
best regards,
someone shouted MacIntyre....
and we all fell blue blind paralytic drunk as the Old Dun Cow caught fire ....
15th March 04, 09:50 PM
ambrose, I don't know about that pattern, haven't seen it, but I know Folkwear has one that's supposed to be very good. www.folkwear.com
I'm making my third kilt now and I just used the info on a couple websites as guidance. They come out fine just measuring. After all, you'r biggest job is the pleats. Once you figure out the width of the pleats and the depth you can make a template that speeds it up. It takes time for us rookies to do it, but a bit of patience is cheaper than the price of a kilt
15th March 04, 11:06 PM
The simplicity pattern is worthless. It even looks kinda silly in the pictures on the front of the envelope. Kilts aren't really made from a pattern anyway. It's all math. I usually draft the pattern for the apron on brown craft paper, but the rest is pleating. Here's a link to a book http://www.celticdragonpress.com/howtoorder.html
I don't know how good this book is as I learned from another kiltmaker and not a book. But it's a place to start, and I'm told it is a fairly accurate book.
16th March 04, 05:29 AM
The folklore pattern is really good, as it gives history, and hints on how to hand sew the pleats. It comes with a pattern for the Prince Charlie Jacket and vest. The pattern for argyle socks and a knitted vest as well as instructions for a pleated skirt for the ladies.
I got it from another website but I just did a search and this one works.
I also found an article in Threads magazine March 1991. It has detailed instructions with photo's on how to build a kilt.
I also found a book by R.F.Glover on kiltmaking, which also takes you step by step.
If you can borrow a kilt from someone when you start building it helps a lot.
Basically you are taking a rectangular piece of fabric that has a pleated section that is tapered so when it is wrapped around you fits your body.
All the best
The leather and hemp Kilt Guy in Stratford, Ontario
16th March 04, 08:16 AM
Kitls for all!
Give a man a kilt, and he kilts for a day...
Teach a man to kilt, and he kilts for a....
That doesn't quite work, but you know what I mean.
Ordered the kilt design from the folkwear people. My daughter said she would teach dad how to do it. This will have to do while I wait for Bear to post instructions on the grizzly cut kilt.
I will keep all informed as I go. My own kilt-making blog!
16th March 04, 09:31 AM
Good luck with the kilt project Dan. I think you'll find it isn't complicated really, but it is time consuming. Take your time and I think you'll like the result.
16th March 04, 10:11 AM
If you want to first try a 'sports' kilt this is the easiest and can take a few hours and produce a good 'outing' kilt. You can progress to a sport kilt with the waist to hip sewn for a more tradational look. After that is the BIG jump to a traditional sewn kilt. If you go to your local library and ask for the book The Art of Kiltmaking. They will probably have to get it on loan from another library. This is the BIG BIBLE on kiltmaking...or you can spend around $30.00 and buy it.
I took this route and each kilt is a progression in technique and confidence. I currently have 14 selfmade kilts ranging from sport to my verson of a neo-modern kilt (camo with knife edges and sewn waist to hip). I looked at the pattern first and opted for web links, THE BOOK and trial by experience.
Good Luck,
16th March 04, 10:56 AM
I learned from:
The first attempt took me quite a while to make, with some trial and error involved. I'm not sure that this is the best site for instructions, but I have yet to check out all the other sites (which I shall do shortly). Perhaps you should try your first kilt with a cheaper material, just in case you screw things up past repair. Once you get the hang of it, then you can upgrade to higher quality fabric.
Of course, if you want that William Wallace look, its not so much a matter of sewing, but more of a matter of folding and wrapping. I often prefer this style if kilt, as the extra warmth comes in handy, and it has a few other uses as well.
Best of luck with your needle and thread!
16th March 04, 11:22 AM
Another source:
Jan Bruyndonckx offers these instructions.
"Techniques for Casual Clothes" from Threads, 1994 (C) by The Taunton Press Inc., ISBN 1-56158-071-6
A rich illustrated Article: Making a Kilt
16th March 04, 02:02 PM
Kilt Making
Here is my two cent worth.
these are the sites ware I got the instructions I use.
And then I do come other thgings to mine like a pocet on the inside aprin.
Keep on Kilting 8)
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