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Thread: The "P" word

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  1. #1
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    The "P" word

    In another thread the word "****" has been used a few times in reference to gear that originates in Pakistan.

    I'm sure that the folks who have used it don't mean it to be derogatory but it is considered a derogatory term so could we agree to spell out the whole thing...as in "Pakistani"...or refer to products from there as being of "Far Eastern Origin" or something like that?

    Just sayin'....



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    The straight razor community has the exact same issue with sub standard blades and the accepted response to the issue on forums is also to use the full term as the abbreviation does carry negative connotations in English even when unintended. I support this and suggest that the first line of defense is to send a well meaning PM to the poster explaining the situation because they likely have simply not thought about it and request that the post be altered. In my experience this has only worked out very positively.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    The straight razor community has the exact same issue with sub standard blades and the accepted response to the issue on forums is also to use the full term as the abbreviation does carry negative connotations in English even when unintended. I support this and suggest that the first line of defense is to send a well meaning PM to the poster explaining the situation because they likely have simply not thought about it and request that the post be altered. In my experience this has only worked out very positively.
    Huh? The Pakistani thing I can see... but people can get offended by an abbreviated term referring to the type of razor they use? Am I missing something, or is this yet another case of people making up a reason to get offended- like vegans getting mad at me for wearing wool? Will the straight razor community flame me for using electrics?
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    Huh? The Pakistani thing I can see... but people can get offended by an abbreviated term referring to the type of razor they use? Am I missing something, or is this yet another case of people making up a reason to get offended- like vegans getting mad at me for wearing wool? Will the straight razor community flame me for using electrics?
    I believe he was talking about substandard razors, typically made in Pakistan and referred to by the first four letters of the country's name.
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  5. #5
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    Definately a term that in Canada is not used either casually or as a compliment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    Huh? The Pakistani thing I can see... but people can get offended by an abbreviated term referring to the type of razor they use? Am I missing something, or is this yet another case of people making up a reason to get offended- like vegans getting mad at me for wearing wool? Will the straight razor community flame me for using electrics?
    I became so offended I stopped shaving and grew a beard!...

  7. #7
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    While the term **** is known in South Africa as a pejorative reference to immigrants in Britain (and other countries), it has no currency here because all the Indian Muslims in this country are descendants of people who came to the region in the days of the Raj.
    I doubt that many were from the region now known as Pakistan anyway, but they are all referred to simply as Indian.
    I have received e-mails from Pakistani makers of regimental badges, but have not had dealings with them.
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    I agree wholeheartedly - it is a term that should not be used in adult conversation. It is a shame and a pity that there are members of XMarks that will disparage a whole people this way, either through mis-guided protectionism or through wanting to be one of the guys - Look, how much I can hate!

    How often do we see members piling on with me too, me too. When the truth is that they have no personal knowledge except what they have read here.

    If someone has a genuine grievance, then they should speak up. The company should be named and shamed, but we cannot blame a whole nation.

    I once had my pocket picked by an American - should I spend the rest of my life going round calling all Americans thieves? I think not.

    This is a family friendly forum and we should all post in a responsible manner to act as a good example for younger or newer members.

    Thanks AA for bringing this up.



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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    Huh? The Pakistani thing I can see... but people can get offended by an abbreviated term referring to the type of razor they use? Am I missing something, or is this yet another case of people making up a reason to get offended- like vegans getting mad at me for wearing wool? Will the straight razor community flame me for using electrics?
    Razors made in Pakistan are notoriously bad and sometimes insensitively referred to as "**** razors"

  10. #10
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    I never knew it was supposed to be an offensive term. No different when people refer to Americans as Yanks.

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