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  1. #1
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    The word ..."Fashion"...

    I HATE that word.

    .......this is just me. It calls up to mind extremely wealthy and functionless, but formerly very pretty women wearing clothes that cost enough to discharge the debt of at least one African dictatorship, and wearing them once. It brings to mind a horrible image I have of a girl I knew in college, a ridiculously pampered and spoiled and obnoxious twit, from, no less...Beverly Hills, who when presented with a comment about how so and so didn't look very fashionable, snorted, stuck her nose to the heavens and declared "People in Santa Barbara don't know what fashion IS."...emphasis on the "IS", and the *snif*..

    The word "fashion" when used to describe clothing that is in style at a particular moment, just calls up acres and acres of negative connotations....money blown on ridiculous garments that are grossly overpriced and purchased and worn by people without the slightest notion that they money they are squandering could work miracles, if spent with intelligence and a conscience. Say the word "fashion", unless you mean the verb... "He fashioned the sgian dubh out of the a block of bog oak and a high carbon steel blade."...or "fashionable" and my knee just jerks. Yuck.

    Now...this is just me. Y'all got that? Just Me. My very own little personal eccentricity.
    The "fashion" word -> jerk. Auto. Pow.

    What does all this have to do with kilts? Well, kilts are currently "fashionable" in some circles..clutching My leg to stop the twitching....I don't care what's fashionable. I REFUSE to be fashionable. I'm NOT fashionable. Look, I own and WEAR a necktie with a picture of a saxophone on it. I might, if so moved, wear that necktie with my predator camouflage X-Kilt. I've been known to do worse, quite happily.

    I wear kilts 'cause I like 'em.

    End Rant. We now open up this section to counter-rants and judicious commentary.

  2. #2
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    If you all ask nicely I might consent to post a photograph of me in my predator camouflage X-Kilt with my saxophone necktie.

    I'd wear that for Halloween, but then kilts shouldn't be worn as costumes, and I might frighten the small children that come to my door, not to mention giving the F-H.C.A.G., her children and way2fractious the horrors for a week.

  3. #3
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    You Sir, are the height of fashion today.

    Just kidding you're actually chic.

    you know why you wear a kilt and I know why you wear a kilt. Others who wear it for fashion won't be wearing it for long. You? You will be comfortable for a long, long time.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    You Sir, are the height of fashion today.
    I am NOT... I am bald! I am STOUT! I am, as the F-H.C.A.G has adroitly pointed out...OLD. I own a saxophone necktie and I wear it! I am NOT "fa-"...f-f-f-f-f....fassshhhhhh.....ffffaaa...


    Just kidding you're actually chic.
    I am NOT. I'm a mammal.

    you know why you wear a kilt and I know why you wear a kilt. Others who wear it for fashion won't be wearing it for long. You? You will be comfortable for a long, long time.
    A COMFORTABLE mammal.

  5. #5
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    A sexy mammal, even, maybe. Sort of. On a good day. To women who need a new eyeglasses prescription.

    But not faaa---ffff.......ssshhh.....fash uhhhhhh..ffffffffffffff

    Last edited by Alan H; 12th October 07 at 07:12 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post

    I am NOT. I'm a mammal.

    A COMFORTABLE mammal.
    Finally we agree on something for once and after only 4 posts (then you have to go and post #5 and we're at loggerheads again).

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Finally we agree on something for once and after only 4 posts (then you have to go and post #5 and we're at loggerheads again).
    Now you're trying to hijack this thread, talking about logs.

    I think I need to go get some dinner, i'm having much too much fun, here.

  8. #8
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    Kilted Fashion

    There's a boring old dance but I don't know its name
    That people who wear pants do again and again
    It's big and it's bifurcated, full of tension and fear
    They do it over there but we don't do it here

    Fashion! turn to the left
    Fashion! turn to the right
    Oooh, fashion!
    We are the Kilt Police and we're coming to town

    Listen to me - don't listen to me
    Talk to me - don't talk to me
    Dance with me - don't dance with me, no

    There's a new fashion tilt , so let's give a cheer!
    Oh bop
    That people from good homes are kilting this year
    Oh bop, fashion
    It's bold and tasteful. and you've seen it before
    Oh bop
    You twirl it while you're dancing on the ole dance
    Oh bop, fashion

    Fashion! turn to the left
    Fashion! right
    We are the Kilt Police and we're coming to town

    Listen to me - don't listen to me
    Talk to me - don't talk to me
    Dance with me - don't dance with me, no

    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    La-la la la la la la-la
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    La-la la la la la la-la
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    La-la la la la la la-la
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    La-la la la la la la-la

    (With apologies to David Bowie)


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  9. #9
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    Off to eat? on a log? in mid-rant? Well! That's not very Fash...(oops!) trendy, I'm sure!

  10. #10
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    Being fashionable

    Up too a few years, ago, I would wear wide brim hats most all the time. Always to work for instance. About every ten years I would read in the newspaper that wide brim hats were in. I would laugh as I knew I had ten more years before I would be fashionable, again! We wear want we want, sometimes were are in fashion but most times NOT. I really don't care I wear what I want.

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