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  1. #1
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    Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    Have been browsing the internet for bespoke tailors for an Argyll or Braemar Jacket and have come across a lady by the name of Evelyn Spence. I have not come across this lady before in all my trawlings on the internet. Even a search on this auspicious forum revealed no info. She is based near Inverness in the highlands.
    Does anyone have any personal experience of her products and services as cannot find any reviews or feedback on line.
    Her bespoke products look very good and are very reasonably priced for made to measure garments.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
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  2. #2
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    You appear to have fallen into the trap of thinking that kilt makers actually tailor the jackets as well. I have had a look at Evelyn Spence's website and it is quite clear to me that she is using the same suppliers for jackets that the rest of us use. On that basis her made to measure jackets will be no worse, and no better, than any other kilt maker can provide to you. The only possible differences being price and customer service, which I am sure will be just fine

    I would ask why you think you need made to measure though. It adds to the cost and is rarely needed as most people can fit into standard stock sizes. Made to measure is NOT the same as bespoke though, and like the rest of us she does not appear to offer a bespoke service

  3. #3
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    thanks for the very quick response. As your rightly say most people can fit into a standard off the peg size, Unfortunately being a Gentleman of Substance I need a 58 or a roomy 56 inch chest jacket. Some retailers will at a pinch go up to 56 most stop at a slimeline 50" . Therefore I need to look at made to measure or bespoke options.

    At the moment I can only find 4 retailers within my budget range say sub £250 for Jacket only and I am sure that they would all do a fine job. I was just asking the question as I had not come across Evelyn before and wondered whether to add her to the list of prospective tailors.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

  4. #4
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    I hate to be the bringer of bad news but I am afraid that a bespoke jacket will set you back considerably more that £250 - start thinking in the region of 3 to 4 times that figure. It depends too whether you want silver buttons and velvet or barathea. There are tailors in Savile Row who will make you a bespoke highland jacket as well as one in Edinburgh.

  5. #5
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    I was just asking the question as I had not come across Evelyn before and wondered whether to add her to the list of prospective tailors.
    I would certainly add her unless you hear any reasons from others against doing so

    Also have a look at Scotweb (link at the top of the forum). They are UK based and a large reliable company

    I think some stock jackets here in the UK may come as large as a 54" but you are right that you will need made to measure to get the size you need. Lead times are quite long at the moment, 6 weeks if you are lucky much more if you are not, but any UK highland outfitter should be able to arrange the larger size for you

    I don't see why you shouldn't find a very good quality jacket within your budget, even made to measure. It's just a case of shopping around. It may also be worth trying Hector Russell as they can sometimes be quite reasonable price wise

  6. #6
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    Excellent, yes Scotweb are already on my radar as they go up to 60" chest. Which is too big even for me.
    I perhaps should have made it clearer that I meant made to measure rather than bespoke. In my head the two terms are synonymous but of course I do realise that they are completely different.
    I will have a look at Hector Russell and I know there are a few more to look at, I quite like the idea of a more natural earthy colour tweed than the standard Lovat blue and greens.
    Have any of my fellow Gentleman of Substance on here got any suggestions, where did you get yours from?
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
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  7. #7
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    For what it is worth, I think her kilt prices are quite reasonable compared to some of the better known makers.



  8. #8
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    Excellent, yes Scotweb are already on my radar as they go up to 60" chest. Which is too big even for me.
    I perhaps should have made it clearer that I meant made to measure rather than bespoke. In my head the two terms are synonymous but of course I do realise that they are completely different.
    I will have a look at Hector Russell and I know there are a few more to look at, I quite like the idea of a more natural earthy colour tweed than the standard Lovat blue and greens.
    Have any of my fellow Gentleman of Substance on here got any suggestions, where did you get yours from?
    I have a 58 chest but a 48 waist, so I ordered a cheapie from Tartanista and had it sized down by my tailor. While it was there I had him replace the buttons with standard black suit buttons as I prefer the more subdued look (and don't mix metals often). The jacket is a bit thin, however this works well in the very mild winters of Florida. Here is the end result...

    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  9. #9
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    looking good Joshua do you know if they do tweed as well or is it just the Barathea, ?
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
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  10. #10
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    Re: Info Required on Tailor/kiltmaker

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    looking good Joshua do you know if they do tweed as well or is it just the Barathea, ?
    It would seem black barathea for the most part.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

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