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Thread: About a haggis

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th October 10
    Outskirts of Chicago IL
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    About a haggis

    Beef and oats, liver, lamb
    I eat haggis any time I can
    It's the meal for which I'll beg
    With neeps and tatties or fried with eggs

    Come to Scotland and you'll learn
    How to host a Supper Burns
    First the haggis is addressed
    Then songs and poems and all the rest

    My haggis, my haggis, if I dare boast
    Is far better than plain meatloaf
    Hearty oats mixed with meat
    It's a tasty Scottish treat

    If the puddin' race has a chief
    Methinks it would have a Scottish motif
    It can only be haggis, there can be only one
    Haggis is the best, bar none
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.

  2. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to Mikilt For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Bayfield, Colorado
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikilt View Post
    Beef and oats, liver, lamb
    I eat haggis any time I can
    It's the meal for which I'll beg
    With neeps and tatties or fried with eggs

    Come to Scotland and you'll learn
    How to host a Supper Burns
    First the haggis is addressed
    Then songs and poems and all the rest

    My haggis, my haggis, if I dare boast
    Is far better than plain meatloaf
    Hearty oats mixed with meat
    It's a tasty Scottish treat

    If the puddin' race has a chief
    Methinks it would have a Scottish motif
    It can only be haggis, there can be only one
    Haggis is the best, bar none
    Very notably discharged.
    I might have slipped "forsooth" just before "bar none." ;)
    Slàinte mhath!

    Freep is not a slave to fashion.
    Aut pax, aut bellum.

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    I polished off the last of my haggis tonight. I let out a hearty burp in salute to good food, and I chuckled thinking of my German grandfather, after a burp my grandma would say, "du bist ein schwein!" To which the reply would be: "mein fraulein es war wert ein Dollar!"

    Translated is basically "you pig!" "Mama it was worth a dollar!" Which in their day was a lot of money!
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  5. The Following User Says 'Aye' to GrainReaper For This Useful Post:

  6. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrainReaper View Post
    I polished off the last of my haggis tonight. I let out a hearty burp in salute to good food, and I chuckled thinking of my German grandfather, after a burp my grandma would say, "du bist ein schwein!" To which the reply would be: "mein fraulein es war wert ein Dollar!"

    Translated is basically "you pig!" "Mama it was worth a dollar!" Which in their day was a lot of money!
    Unfortunately, English politeness culture precludes us from saying anything else except "pardon me" after showing appreciation for the meal!
    [COLOR="#0000CD"]Scottish[/COLOR] clans: Fletcher, McGregor and Forbes
    [COLOR="#008000"]Irish[/COLOR] clans: O'Brien, Ryan and many others
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