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  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th October 11
    Colorado Springs
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    Synthetic Pipe Reeds

    Lets throw this out. There are some synthetic pipe reeds on the market i.e Clan Rye or Mclaren.

    Most of the reveiws were saying they were OK, some not so.

    Just wondering what the latest feelings are.

    Any new Tech that goes against traditon has a lot of feelings to wade through. Poly-penco pipes, Kevlar Drum heads etc.

    My self, I tried a Clan Rye - so/so nice for the durability but, the sound was OK for practice and just going out to the lake to scare the Geese.

    What do you think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    14th August 11
    Houston, TX
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    Re: Synthetic Pipe Reeds

    Most of music is having confidence in your tools. If you buy a set and try them out how much are you out? They might be good enough for your skill level and then again you might find them wanting. Some folks are just snobs about such things and traditions are held dear. I think they might be worth it to you to try for yourself.
    Please excuse the spelling errors. My IPhone is "helping" me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    13th August 05
    NJ, USA
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    Re: Synthetic Pipe Reeds

    I've never heard much good about the ClanRye reeds, but I've never tried them. I read a few reviews of the McClaren reed, and bought 2, 1 a "15" strength, and the other a "17". The 15 was way too soft, but the 17 isn't too bad. It does sound a bit thin when compared to a cane chanter reed, but overall, not bad. It certainly has its' uses in certain conditions. I used it when I played a funeral one February. The temperature outside was 8 degrees. It held up well playing outside. It did go a bit out of tune after sitting in the church for 45 minutes or so during the service, but once the pipes cooled off again outside, it was fine at the graveyard.
    The set I used at that funeral was a set of Dunbar P3s, with Crozier Carbon Fiber drone reeds. When I plug the McClaren in, the only "natural" part of the set is the L&M hide bag.
    All skill and effort is to no avail when an angel pees down your drones.

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