i wasn't sure where to put this so monteraters please feel free to move it. ok so to start off i was trying to make a fammily tree for my family and I. I got my cousin involed and what we uncovered was more than a can of worms to say the least. we have now traced back to 500 A.D. yes that number is correct. we have come from many lands , England where my family still holds title to a castle and much land. Germany although i can find no living relatives there. ireland and france. well that a mix of people if i have ever seen one. my cousin has found pictures of some of the family that are quite old i hope to get a copy soon to share . we also have came across a picture of the ship Hope that my family was on to come to the USA. Has anyone else traced there roots back this far ? Or i am the only one absessed enough to do such a thing. its been a long 3 years tracking all the informaion. lol
to be cont.