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  1. #21
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    You know, I've been thinking about this, and I had an idea. How about a multi-tool? Just stick a Gerber or Leatherman, or whatever brand you have or get, and put it in the top of your hose like that.

    Isn't that essentially what a Sgian Dubh was in the first place? A pocket knife for a garment that doesn't have pockets?

    It might be too heavy though. Just a thought. Feel free to ignore it.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xena View Post
    You know, I've been thinking about this, and I had an idea. How about a multi-tool? Just stick a Gerber or Leatherman, or whatever brand you have or get, and put it in the top of your hose like that.

    Isn't that essentially what a Sgian Dubh was in the first place? A pocket knife for a garment that doesn't have pockets?

    It might be too heavy though. Just a thought. Feel free to ignore it.
    If you glued some wood, antler, or bone scales to the handle it wouldn't look half bad. Some of the high-end tools are made of lighter weight alloys that would be less prone to dive into your sock.
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
    New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    That was probably Panache.

    I believe I was the one to coin the term (and play on words) "sgian don't" here on XMTS to mean something that looks like a sgian dubh but isn't.

    If you have some wood working tools it is really easy to whip up a "sgian don't". Heck all you really need is a good whittling knife to make one.

    For some ideas here is what I have made

    White tail deer antler, and Australian Lace wood bottle openers made for Big Mikey

    My Australian Lace wood blank

    A complimentary set of sgian dubh and sgian don't I made for A_Hay! using the same set of deer antlers

    Oak, Cherry, and Beech bottle openers

    A close up

    My comb sgian don't, bottle opener sgian don't (made from an old hammer handle), and my ox horn sgian dubh from the Scottish Tartans Museum for scale.

    Hope this inspires you to try your hand at making your own.

    One word of caution. Looking at Chrome Scholar's blank sgian don't I would be wary against making the "blade" of a "blank" style sgian don't too real looking. The idea is you are making something that represents the knife traditionally worn with Highland apparel. Making a too realistic blade (ie: thin and pointed) makes your blank a "one shot" disposable stabbing weapon.

    Before anyone steps in and says "anything can be a weapon" let me note that the point of a sgian don't is to be a useful or decorative alternative to a knife to be worn where a knife shouldn't or couldn't be carried. I know that if anyone has concerns about me carrying a knife that they will be relieved when I show my handiwork.


    Last edited by Panache; 12th January 09 at 01:26 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  4. #24
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    I have two sgian don'ts from Panache, and I wear them frequently. The non-bottle-opener one will make an appearance beneath Strings Outrageous Kilt Hose at the Nor Cal Rabble's Burns Night, for sure!

  5. #25
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    I recently got a kilt and I did contemplate getting a normal Sgian Dubh but decided that despite its heritage I wasn't comfortable wearing a ceremonial blade (glamourising knives). (Note: I do like the craftsmanship that goes into good knives and they are incredibly useful I just don't think they need to be seen in public)

    So I decided to wear something meaningful to me, and as my tartan is a district one I decided to wear something appropraite to the district. The Black Country is a very industrial area so I went for wearing a spanner!

    That way when someone asks why i can make a joke about keeping it at all times to stop my nuts from falling off! :P

    However i love the Sgian Brews, and I may get one although I wont replace the spanner it'll add variety. I am very fond of the idea of wearing something personal in place of the Sgian Dubh.

  6. #26
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    Rab Gordon who makes some of the most beautiful sgian dubhs around also makes sgian brews - here's a link


    and if you're jonesing - here's a few for sale

    Animo non astutia

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