17th August 09, 03:58 PM
G.I. Joe "The Rise of Cobra" Dorking out right now!!
So I just went and saw the new G.I. Joe movie this afternoon. Has anyone else seen it? I thought it was really well done! I know that its getting a lot of hard knocks from a lot of the "hardcore oh my god I still have all the toys and comic book" fans out there...but lets be serious..... I think the biggest complaint that people are having is the way the Characters look. They are wearing black combat suits most of the time as opposed to their standard "Comic book/toys versions...but hey the X-Men did the same right? NO one really complained about that...also they are complaining that there aren't all the vehicles and such that we all as young boys enjoyed playing with...well that's not entirely true..The Joe team and Cobra (which really doesn't come into play until the end of the movie anyway) always had futuristic "military" equipment right? Well that was the 1980's and early 90;s,, those things now aren't so futuristic, so they had to 'tweak" them a little to make them more advanced compared to today's standards. The last think was the plot twists....well you know what....you can't have a good movie without plot twists.....If you have seen the movie you'll know what I mean.
Other than that I think it's a lot like the New Trek movie was...just not with as famous actors..
Over all I would give it a 4.95 stars out of 5!!!!
17th August 09, 04:33 PM
18th August 09, 02:33 AM
I haven't seen it yet, but, in my opinion, this type of movie as all about the special effects, and being true to the originals isn't necessary. In fact, without some changes, the genre would be rather boring.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
18th August 09, 04:36 AM
I enjoyed the movie. Yes, the changes in the backstories of the characters did bother me a little, since I was a big fan of the comic. However, you would have to change some things.
For instance, in the comic both Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow were Vietnam vets. That would mean they would have to be at least in their fifties, and probably sixties, if you kept that the same. And besides, it's not like they don't change backstories for all the comic adaptations (XMen is a good example).
The uniform thing didn't bother me at all, since wearing all the different uniforms in a tactical environment never made sense anyway.
I do have to say that Sienna miller did pull off the Baroness uniform well.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
18th August 09, 12:55 PM
It was better than Transformers 2, but then, that isn't saying much........
18th August 09, 01:47 PM
I liked the movie, but did not like the spaced aged "accelerator suits". In my opinion the comic, cartoon, and the toys really lost out in the 80's when they went too much towards the spaced stuff and away from the regular joe type stories and outfits.
The rest of the movie was great if we could have gotten rid of those. The Scarlet and Baroness outfits made up for that though.
18th August 09, 02:33 PM
I didn't like it. I hated that they referred to Scottish Gaelic as "Scottish Celtic," couldn't stand Cobra Commander's mask, and all that has been said before.
I think might be too old for that stuff now.
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18th August 09, 02:53 PM
I really wish they wouldn't have done that with the costumes.
Little changes only make sense, such as replacing radiation with genetic alteration for a superhero's source of power, yet keeping the big picture the same.
This on the other hand is just a wee bit too far, too far for me to watch.
The old costumes made each character original, like a mish-mash of commandos.
Now they are power-armour enhanced super-soldier things.
Scarlett, however, should remove the armour but, keep the rest of the suit.
I like what they've done.
25th August 09, 11:11 AM
Can't wait to see GI JOE 2: The Fall of Joe! Hail Cobra!
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