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  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th April 09
    Wichita Falls TX
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    Identify this tartan, please.

    Is this an actual registered tartan or is it just a generic tartan? I've tried several different tartan identifiers and have not seen it.

    My local Jo-Ann's has about 7-8 yards of this in their close-out rack for 50%off and I'm thinking about snagging it to make my next kilt. Yes, I know it's lightweight but I've made 2 kilts from this type of fabric previously and it handles and wears okay.

    Even if it's not a registered tartan, I'm going to go ahead and get it. It will go well with the rest of my kit for my Cunningham kilt.

    "No howling in the building!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd January 10
    Lethendy, Perthshire
    15 Post(s)
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    A modern fashion type sett. No doubt the manufacturer would have named or numbered it but not previously known in the STA Master Db.

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