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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th September 11
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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    Call for suggestions on leftover tartan fabric


    I'd like to ask the great rabble for suggestions on what to do with some leftover tartan fabric. This was left over from the making of my kilt, and has been in my closet for years. I've always said "I should do something with that" so I am, but what?

    The fabric itself is a 16oz heavyweight weaved by Lochcarron (if memory serves) in the Newfoundland Tartan. I've posted a couple pictures of the fabric laid out, and also a sketch of the dimensions. I've also got about 14 little swatches (in pic) that I assume were cut when the flashes were made? They're all about 3x5" and not in the dimensions sketch.

    So, does anyone have any neat project suggestions?

    I've thought of taking the long skinny bit and having a tie made, but I don't know how the wool would serve being knotted, and it is a bit heavy for a tie...

    Thanks in advance!!

    Oops! I used the wrong conversion factor here! The correct metric dimensions are:
    3' 3 1/2" = 1.3m
    28 1/4" = 71.8cm
    8' 11" - 2.7m
    4 3/4" = 12cm
    Last edited by Newfoundlander; 12th December 11 at 08:16 AM. Reason: wrong metric conversion

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