Re: Native Scots vs the scottish diaspora

Originally Posted by
Jock Scot
We have a saying over here "Clogs to Clogs in three generations" in other words the first generation from a poor background works hard and does well for itself, the second generation loose the work ethic and squanders their resources instead of building on them , the third generation are back where the first generation started only they know what the previous generation "lost" for them!
Ha! That's a wonderful summation of a thing I've often observed.
For a time I taught at a High School in an affluent area. The joke was that the Faculty Parking Lot was full of old beat-up subcompacts while the Student Parking Lot was full of shiny new BMWs and Mercedes. Seemed that each kid got a brand-new $40,000 car as soon as they got their first Drivers' Licence.
Well, you've never seen such a bunch of lazy unmotivated do-nothing students in your life! Their parents had worked hard in school to get good grades and get medical or engineering or law degrees, and worked hard in their careers to be successful. But their kids had had everything handed to them their entire lives and thought that they could coast through school getting poor grades and Mommy and Daddy would make everything OK.
One kid's mother was a judge, who on numerous occasions had used her influence to keep her kid (a drug addict) out of trouble with the law. That kid was a do-nothing stoner who flunked all of his classes.
It was a common sight to see these wealthy, influential parents come for private meetings with the Principal to pressure him to let their kids pass in spite of poor performance.
Rant over.
Now about this Scottish Diaspora thing, I do find it amusing how many Americans get all puffed up over their supposed Scottishness or Irishness or what have you. I'm an English/Irish/Scottish mutt and I don't give it all much importance or thought. I play pipes; I must wear kilts to play them; and besides that I enjoy wearing Highland Dress and studying it for its own sake.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte