after 2 days of dinking around, I finally found the Newbie board!
I am Cathy McWilliams, a master kiltmaker up in Washington State. I normally don't spend a lot of time on the computer, but one of my friends finally convinced me that that paperweight on my desk was for more than just paying my bills online.
About me: Army veteran, mother of 3 with 2 grandkids, married to a wonderful guy named Red McWilliams (musician - so I have a lot of alone time on my hands when he's out on the road singing for his supper). I've been making kilts since 1993; opened officially in 1995.
I'm the one who does the Emergency Kilt Repair at the Highland Games wherever I go. Check out my Facebook page / photo album: Friends in kilts. I only started that in the past 2 years and it's been murder trying to get all my past customers to submit a picture in their kilts, so hey there, out there, if you own one of my kilts, please email me a picture so I can post it? Please? lol.

Cathy McWilliams