I've worn a kilt to class many times in the past. I have always have positive comments and reactions. Last week was the first time I wore the kilt this Spring term. I am accustomed to the usual questions like, "Where did you get your kilt?" and "Do you play bagpipes?" But there was one question that threw me off guard on this day.

"Are you wearing a kilt?"

The obvious answer was "yes", but I couldn't discern if it was incredulity or an actual question. Nevertheless, I did my best to answer politely and explain that I simply love wearing the kilt. "Wow, that is so cool", came their reply. "I've never seen anyone wear one just because they wanted to."

One of my classmates told me that he too owns a Blackwatch kilt and he thought mine was awesome. (I was wearing Isle of Skye) I told him about XMarks. He said he'd check it out. Later, as I was walking to my car I overheard some 20-somethings talking nearby and I heard one say, "See, I'm Scottish so I totally respect that guy for wearing a kilt."

It was another great day of kilting. I think I'll go kilted a bit more this term.