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  1. #10
    Join Date
    15th February 12
    Seymour , Indiana
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulhenry View Post
    D.C.Dalgleish are a great mill, but they don't have another mill in the States, I'm not sure who you might be confusing them with, but there is only one mill. They concentrate on dancers tartans and mid weight tartans , but also do heavyweight and offer a custom weaving service, They are not cheap but the cloth is beautiful and worth the extra money. They do carry some stock , but it's not extensive. If you order from them be advised that it can take a long time, my current order with them is due in a bout 12 -14 weeks!
    You are absolutely correct , they don't have a mill in the US , my mistake , I was confusing them with Locharron . Thanks for correcting that , otherwise someone may try searching for something that doesn't exist .

    Best regards , Mike
    Last edited by MacGumerait; 7th June 12 at 06:46 PM.


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