Some of the members of the staff have cautioned that some discussions must stay within the confines of that potion of the forum where names and specific issues are not aired in public.

Some don't want to disturb this discussion with "The Word From On High". It is surprising how I, when posting as The Forum Owner, am so often misaken as making a proclamation.

But I do want our members to know that we are listening to you. I hope that we can find a way to give you some insight into what is being discussed in the Moderators section without revealing something best left in confidence.

I also want our members to realize that I do appreciate the sense of community that this thread is generating. We truly are a unique place on the internet. Our members can talk freely and openly. The staff respond and join in the discussions as regular members when they can. And together we can arrive at a solution to a problem.

Keep it coming. Lets hear from some of you that don't post often or who would never use a report out of some sense of 'telling tales'.

Now is your chance to join your community, to have your voice heard and to have good, solid input into the decision that will be reached.