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  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th March 09
    Gardner MA USA
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    We're going to Scotland!

    My daughter and I play, (two years now), with a small local band, she a snare drummer and I a piper and bass drummer. She is very very good. She was asked to join a larger regional band - Catamount from Vermont - to go to Scotland to compete at Perth, North Berwick and Worlds. I have not had a vacation in six years so I am going with her.

    She will be working and playing most of the time. I will probably help them out a bit but I will also be touring around taking in the culture and the people. I look forward to seeing Alex Cunningham, (cessna152towser), and KiltFitz while there as well as anyone else I can meet.

    We will arrive Wednesday, 7 August and leave Monday, 19 August. I will attempt to post photos as we go.

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to tulloch For This Useful Post:


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