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  1. #11
    Join Date
    15th October 13
    Los Altos (Silicon Valley), California, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calgacus View Post

    They are attending an event such as a wedding, Burns supper, ceilidh, Highland Gathering, formal dinner, etc.
    They are a member of a pipe band.
    They are celebrating a sporting event.
    They are making a cultural/political statement ("I'm a proud Scot").
    They are mildly eccentric.

    I have seen the very occasional highlander in a kilt who looked genuinely like he was an everyday wearer

    I agree that this list should become a sticky, although I must say I lament that this is the all-encompassing list.

    Now, about that last part:

    I think that might be the real issue to tackle. When attending one of the events on the list, I think one can get away with being more elaborate with the kilt kit worn.

    But if one is to be an everyday kilt wearer, then it would seem from the last comment (and I agree) that the person who does so pulls off a bit of a different "this was easy for me" vibe to the way they wear the kilt when not falling into one of the rigid categories on the list. I wonder if it would be possible to somehow capture how this is done and promote that both for Scots (born and raised and living in Scotland) AND for tourists. Because it seems that what bothers Scots about tourists in kilts is that they are garish and don't do it right. This may be a pipe dream, but what would be wrong with simply changing the mentality from "Look at that idiot tourist making a mockery of the kilt, lets roll our eyes and talk behind his back and think smug things..." to "Look at that tourist who has no clue what he is doing. We should set him straight." I know that changing mentalities is not easy, but it can be done if people care to make the change.

    So is it possible to define exactly what makes one look like an eveyday kilt wearer? What differentiates this from the more typical outfit? Might be a worthwhile exercise, because a tourist (for instance) who can pull off that look might come across quite differently than one who behaves like the subject of the Aly MacRae song The Tartan Atrocity (If you haven't heard it and you are a member of this forum, it is worth a listen for the laugh).

    Last edited by CeilidhDoc; 14th July 14 at 09:23 AM.


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